Do NOT go here XI

Do you like comparative lists? If so, then do not go here.

Do you like US trivia? Then do not go here.

One of my favorite sites, but if you’re pressed for time…yeah.

There, that should give you enough to make you finally take notice that your coffee has gone cold, and you’re an hour late for church or for getting done what you wanted to tackle before the morning got away from you.

You’re welcome. :-)

Happy Sumday — as Mavis pointed out on Facebook last night, only a few more short weeks until football season! Is there hope for the hapless Browns this year? We shall see.

8 thoughts on “Do NOT go here XI

  1. Mavis

    10 Things you can do with your ashes after cremation??! EWWWW! Never…ever. :-)
    I never knew so much about Ohio. Interesting site. I also like your favorite site. I could sit and read forever!

    Who knows – this could be the year of the Browns! I’ll be hoping it’s their year AND the Packers year! Wouldn’t it be cool if they both made it to the Super Bowl? Miracles can happen! Have a great day, Bird!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Packers and Browns in the Super Bowl? I wouldn’t even CARE that Cleveland would lose!! HAHA

  2. Suzanne

    Hahaha Happy Sunday Fink!! Whatchoo doing on this nice day? At least it’s nice here. After that storm blew through it’s cooled off nicely.

    I like some of the cremations ideas. The blue diamond is awesome, I can imagine Sasha becoming a blue diamond and me wearing it. Hmmmm or the stained glass and she can hang in the window and guard us.

    I am going to get back to my bike rides tomorrow. I was planning on that last week but that silly stomach bug blew me away.

    And you Ms Fink?? *hehehe*


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Me? Exercise? PFFFFF!!!!!!!!! You know me better than that. :P

      Actually, I have been stuck at this 28-lb. loss. Gotta slap myself into gear. And I haven’t even read the cremation ideas…cremation is in my will, but I’m not sure about scattering me to the 4 winds, LOL. I’ll check that out!

      So glad you’re out of the woods with that flu.

  3. BoomR

    Oh, great…I get side-tracked for a few days & am not able to check in here, and you hit me with “DO NOT GO HERE”…. Zero done tonight…. ZERO… well, except for eating a piece of stress-management cherry pie (thanks to Bluvox). HA!

    BTW, “James Taylor” vocal track cut over the weekend. Now a little guitar, a little sax, a swizzle stick to mix, and should have the final rough mix in your inbox VERY soon! Keep fingers crossed! :-)


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      YAAAY for cherry pie and YAAY for JT mixes! No hurry doll — I know you’re beyond busy with the new job, which I am THRILLED that you love!

      Hugz to BV (and you too). *kizzez*


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