You will become a bleary-eyed, sniveling, pathetic addict.
Like me.
I’ve never been a video game player. Never even held a controller on a Nintendo or PlayStation or XBox. Wouldn’t know Black Ops from a cyclops. But Angry Birds on my Droid..oh dear, it’s like an opium drip.
The other night, I played it instead of reading my Nook at bedtime. When I downloaded the update a few days ago, I played each night afterwards, at bedtime — and beat all 45 new levels to death. SCORE
I don’t have time for this, really. I’m using my heretofore precious nighttime reading slot to play this ridiculous game. The other day, after school, while I waited for a student’s parent to pick her up from rehearsal, I sat in my car and played it. I’m going mental.
But I can quit anytime I want.
Hey, it’s Finkday — yippity!
“I can quit anytime I want!” Where have I heard THAT before!
Sweetie, you don’t get to have many guilty pleasures with your work and schedule so, I say – goferit!!! OH! I ordered 4 books with the gifty from you and Thriller! Can’t wait until they get here. That’s one of MY guilty pleasures. ;0)
Yay for books! Yay for Amazon! Yay for Angry Birds! LOL
Don’t quit!
My phone isn’t cool enough for angry birds. I feel like I am missing a huge part of what its like to be alive in 2010.
Tom, I commiserate… I do not possess a cool phone either. Are we missing out? Did we lose track of what’s important somewhere along the way?
Lars, I had to check wikipedia to find out. When I read that the birds are strategically chosen based on their abilities and can be used in conjunction with special objects like explosives or rocks to get those “hard-to-reach pigs” I realized its true…we are missing out.
Oh HA HA. *smack* bothayaz
You’ll be watching “The Price is Right” and “Wheel of Fortune” next!!
YIKES — like someone else we know!!
If you had a phone like mine, you wouldn’t be tempted!
Ah, life’s simple pleasures!
Yeah, I know. But you know you want to play Angry Birds. You retired folk need stuff to do.
this trailer did make me want to play it:
I love it! Priceless facial expressions. And you would like the game, too. But wait…you still have a project to do with/for me…no more distractions for you, sonny.
Welcome to the wonderfully addictive world of gaming!
I don’t dare even look at any other games…I might lose my job, my house, my mind…HA
I saw this entry too late to be saved by it. That game is outrageous, I don’t have time for this addiction yet I’m happily making time for it.
No joke! I play it every chance I get. I’ve advanced through all the levels; now I’m going back through and getting 3 stars on all of them (it’s not as easy as I thought it might be, yikes). Great fun though!