Dusting off the pipes

Hoo-eee, it’s been awhile since I’ve been in the studio.

Last night, BoomR and I test-drove my chops, laying down some tracks in a late evening session. When we finished at around 11:30, two tunes were ready for mixdown. [varying degrees of] Success!

BoomR’s equipment, studio space and engineering expertise were, of course, a joy to work with. Loved how he made this voice sound better than it actually is. Ah, Merlin…ye be a fine magician.

Today, the Thriller is off to Austin for a much anticipated visit with three of his children (we haven’t seen them since Simone’s wedding, last October), who are driving up to Pflugerville to meet him for lunch. Fun! While he’s doing that, BoomR and I plan to finish up with the recordings, then lay down the order for tonight’s gig at Chamberlain’s. Also fun. :-)

Meanwhile, while the other side of the house is still in morning coffee mode, I might put on me swim bloomers and take a couple of laps in the pool. Then it’s off to warm up these clanky pipes once again. Off we go — enjoy your Saturday, fiends.

8 thoughts on “Dusting off the pipes

  1. Mavis

    It’s so exciting to see you two together again! Tonight is going to be epic, Bird. Can’t wait to hear how it all went!

    A few laps in the pool. It’s like you’re on vacation or something. :p

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Aw, no man, I’m WORKIN’. (haha shyeah right)

      I will let you know how everything went! HUGZ

  2. BoomR

    **I** should have such clanky pipes, luv! You were/are fab! This has been such an incredible treat to make music with you again – it’s like the 24 years were just like yesterday! XOXOXOX

  3. Lori

    Just lovin’ this! I can only imagine how much fun you had together! Can’t wait to hear the results (she says hopefully!)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Sure thing, Lori! As soon as B finishes the mixdown, he’s going to send me the mp3 files, which I will make available to all who might be interested. And it was fun plus some, lemmetellya! Incredible experience.


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