
I promise I’m going to stop talking about the Cavs. After this.

When asked about leaving Cleveland, LeBron said:

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it just yet. I’m just going to take time off from basketball and not think about contracts or the (Orlando) game, period. I’ll relax with my family, we’ll figure out once it comes from them.”

There you have it, fiends. The standard “manswer.” Non-committal, evasive…

I know, boys — lemme have it. I deserve it. Hehe. Anyway, no more Cavs posts for awhile. Promise.

Elsewhere in the non-basketball world:

  • Kay and I had a fab rehearsal at my house (late) last night. I’m accompanying her on some great old hymns for her dad’s memorial service tonight.
  • I have only two more days of students — and they have only two more days of me.
  • I really, really really do not enjoy passive-aggressive people. There is a confrontation in my future. Bank on it.
  • The Indians beat the Yankees yesterday, and I didn’t see it. Imagine that.
  • Sometimes I wonder how a high school student who has been in choir since the 5th grade still doesn’t know the dress code for a performance. Is it me? Is it something I said?
  • I am not looking forward to a summer of studying. There will be no garden this July.

Fink, mental

7 thoughts on “Epilogue

  1. BoomR

    I don’t get the part where he failed to shake hands with ANY members of the other team – to me, that says he’s a spoiled brat rich kid with NO manners & ZERO sportsmanship. It’s a GAME fer cryin’ out loud – and you got paid more for that game than I get paid in a whole year of work I’ll bet!

    There…now I’m done talking about sports :-)

    I wanna hear all the juicy details of the p/a confrontation in the brew! On whom do you need me to put the smack-down? :-)

    B to the oomR

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yeah you’re right, Boom Boom. You just have to man up and walk across the court and shake guys’ hands and say “good job.” It doesn’t take that much.

      I was talking to a couple of coaches at school today, and their opinion is that LeBron would be stupid to go to the Knicks, who suck, or someplace where the “supporting cast” is even weaker than the one in Cleveland, which, by their record of 66-16 last year, ain’t too shabby. He should definitely stay where he is, especially since there is now a part owner from China who will likely open up the Cavs as a “favorite” team over there. Imagine the semolians….

      And I will update you on the P/A experience!

      PS – there’s a lil box on its way to the country of Texas….

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      HA. Awesome. It’s apparent that you really don’t mind upsetting people, but that’s a good thing because it proves you don’t care what people think, and I wish I was that way and…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Oh all RIGHT. Point for Steinbrenner — you really didn’t have to think about it long, did ya??



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