It’s a bit different than the original itinerary. But with plumbing, dog, car and other surprise expenses over the last six months, we had to dip into vacation savings, which forced us to scale down a bit. It’s fine, though; we are going to have a ball with what we’ve got, and we both feel incredibly blessed to be able to do it at all.
Behold, Odyssey 2012:
- Gettysburg, PA
- Hershey, PA
- Foxwoods, CT (5th largest casino in the world, wahooey– total Vegas sensory overload)
- Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
- Hyannis, MA
- Salem, MA
- Lexington and Concord battlefields, MA
- Bangor, ME
- Bar Harbor, ME
- Café Lafayette Dinner Train and Mt. Washington, NH
- Fort Ticonderoga, NY
- Somewhere for the last day — we’re doing it on the fly
It looks like we’d be gone for weeks instead of just ten days, but we had to keep reminding ourselves of how *unlike* last year this is. I mean, it takes less than an hour to drive the entire width of Rhode Island. That’s a trip to Cleveland for us. With the exception of the distance across Pennsylvania, these places are deceptively close together.
Of course, the stops along the way will make it more fun. While we have no planned stops in Rhode Island and Vermont, we’ll surely enjoy the unplanned ones.
Can’t think about all that at the moment, though. I’ve got the Js upstairs. They will be stirring any minute now, and then it’s breakfast and hit the door runnin’. Busy (but fun) day ahead.
PS — hugs to BoomR today. His sweet dog, Duke, has a malignant tumor.
Wow! I thought you were only going to get a week, but 10 tens is even better! What fun you’re going to have. I can’t wait to “blog along” with you guys!
Have a great day with the J’s!
BoomR – I’m so sorry to hear about Duke.
I’ll sure pray for him!
****Good grief. I meant to say, 10 DAYS! *sigh* It’s early.
You will definitely get the daily treatment on the road, Mave! I’m delighted we have 10 days, especially when we first thought (when we decided to slash days) that it was going down to seven or so. This will be fun! XO
You’ve planned a great trip. Have a wonderful time. My frau is getting fired up about doing a Rt 66 trip later this summer. One of the newspaper mags had an article about it, and that piqued her interest. If that materializes, we most probably will be consulting with you! (if that’s OK.)
WOW! I have books, maps, websites, everything — we have to get together! We love talking about Route 66 — how COOL!!!
That itinerary looks fab!!! I am excited, too!
Thanks, SuzyQ! We don’t know how many more of these vacations we’ll take, but we plan to do it every summer until health or some other reason prevents us from doing it. Hope that never happens!
Thanks, luv… he went in for surgery about noon…still awaiting the call about the results.
Still praying for Duke, BoomR! Let us know! We love you all!
Yes, still praying! Any news?
Got him home now…he’s in good spirits, but man – a couple nifty scars! But they don’t seem to be bothering him… so will take that as a good sign!!
thanks luv!!
Looks like an awesome trip! I’m jealous. I would love to go back to Gettysburg and have always wanted to go to the Lexington and Concord battlefields. Hopefully those aren’t as cluttered with so many monuments you can’t see any grass (exaggeration) like Gettysburg.
Aw man, really? We’ve never been to Gettysburg, and I hope I won’t be disappointed by the commercialism. It’s the history we want, and we’ve devoted an entire day to it. We want to take our time and see/learn as much as we can. I know you’re a Civil War/Lincoln buff — do you have a recommendation as to what to see?
That really was an exaggeration. I guess if I had it my way it would look like it did in 1863…and though I appreciate and understand why they have monuments everywhere…its kind of distracting.
I think my favorite spot was probably at the cemetery where the Union line was when the Confederates made their charge on the last day. Also Little Round Top where Joshua Chamberlains men held off a superior Confederate force to prevent being flanked. You gonna watch “Gettysburg” (the one with Martin Sheen) before you visit?
I must watch it! Thanks for the reminder!