
A quick update for you, fiends.

Thursday afternoon, the Clinic called us and said that the liver biopsy for the clinical trial was set for the 24th, and that we should come in the day before to get all the papers signed and lab work done. Zoom! And here we thought it would be up to three weeks before we heard anything.

Now the remaining puzzle piece is whether or not he is chosen to get the Opdivo + the experimental drugs, or just the Opdivo alone. We’ll find that out on or before the 29th, when his first treatment is scheduled. We are on top of this. Laissez les freaking bon temps rouler. :-D

Progress for #teamthriller

16 thoughts on “Fast-tracked

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Even though we weren’t chosen for the CT, we’re still planning to slam this Opdivo thing! Thanks for the support, Darice!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks J — we have another little setback with the clinical trial, but we are determined to hit this Opdivo thing out the park! Love you.

  1. David

    Thanks Ms Fiend…sooner always better than later!
    Have a entire group of likeminded folks lifting Team Thriller in prayer!
    You both are some of the special people this World has!
    Que la gracia y las misericordias de Dios sean tuyas ahora y todos los días!

  2. Deb Clemons

    Glad your waiting for news was so short. Waiting and not knowing is the worst. Continued prayers for you both. Keep smiling!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey Deb — at least now we know and we can get going on this thing. He’s been tired of waiting! Thanks for the prayers.

  3. Candace

    Woohoo!!!!! I have a friend who lives outside of Ashland. Her husband has incurable brain cancer. They are receiving treatment at the James in C-bus. They went for what they thought would be another major surgery to remove cancer, but when the surgeons went into the operating room they were surprised to find NO cancer!!! They cleaned up some scar tissue from previous surgery and 5 days later Dan was back home!!! Dan is on some experimental drugs That are working!!!!!!! There is HOPE!!!

  4. Debi Lewis

    Stephanie Fortney Schaefer husband is going thru this you may want to get in touch with her on FB, , just to talk ! prayers continue every day for you all with this horrible disease.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey Deb — I did have a conversation with Steph, and I know she’s struggling with Owen’s disease, too. It’s awful. Hideous and unfair. She’s being really strong for him. Thank you for your prayers — they mean the world!


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