Fin — sorta

It’s the final countdown (for the record, I hate that song).

The end is near. The end of the longest school year ever. Three gigs and we’re done — four if you count the Academic Awards ceremony tomorrow night.

As I lay in bed this morning with the alarm snoozed, I retraced some memories. It’s been a year of changes, frustrations, joy and unexpected happenings:

  1. Made a huge decision about my future
  2. Moved a longstanding production (Dinner Theatre) from March to November
  3. Yet another annus horribilis for the Finkmobile 
  4. Had my first Black Friday experience
  5. Started The Comfort Foodie — and haven’t touched it since March (gotta get on that this summer)
  6. Embarked on the longest rehearsal schedule ever, due to spring sports conflicts
  7. Been the sickest I think I’ve ever been, and for the longest time period
  8. The Kidney Stones, oy
  9. I actually looked for another job after 13 years at my beloved school (but later changed my mind, thank the gods — besides, who’d hire an aging hag, eight years from retirement, at masters +48?)
  10. Fought through myriad obstacles and we still had a great show

It’s been a bizzy year. And hey, it’s 6:04 a.m. — I’m four minutes late getting upstairs to get ready for this last insane week. Four more things, four more things…

How was your weekend? I went to a fab birthday party for Justin yesterday — I’ll probably find a photo or two to post, after I troll my daughter-in-law’s Facebook.


4 thoughts on “Fin — sorta

  1. Will

    Yeah, sounds like a year. Still, glad to hear it’s almost over. Bet you can’t wait for the summer and New England.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I can’t! Really looking forward to getting away, spending time with family, and relaxing. Hope your year has gone well, friend.

  2. RD

    It’s been quite a year for you, and you have persevered! You’re on the last lap. Congrats on another great show. My last few weeks have been less than satisfactory. We sure have a lot of catching up to do!


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