For the Boys

I am fortunate to have many wonderful men in my life — not only in “realtime” (the Thriller, my beautiful sons, Jakey, and various great friends), but also here in Finkville. You know how it’s standard fare for a man to say, “I just love beautiful women”? Well, I just love smart men. And I am surrounded by them, both in Ohio and online. That makes me happy. Therefore, today is a toast-post, in honor of the boys who comment at RtB.

So what is my toast to you? A gift!

No, no, Poppet…it’s not a 72-inch TV or power tools or a new PlayStation or Wii or a year’s subscription to watch the wrestle guys on pay-per-view. Rather, I’ve matched each of you to a design for your fall wardrobe — straight out of the recently-concluded Paris Fashion Week. WOW!

Aw. No need to thank me. :-)

OK, wait for it…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…


Son Lars could definitely rock this outfit. 'Specially the kilt.

Ross - you could peek your head around the door and say you were just leaving for work.

This is Adam. Adam hates you.

RD finds his inner nutjob.

Michael - would the other guys in the band think you were exceptionally weird? Nah. *All* drummers are weird.

Stein - next band concert. Triple-dog dare ya.

Kody - Ms. Stoneham is spraying coffee all over her monitor at this moment.

That's right, TRO. Tan they hides. Make 'em pay.

This is totally Charles. Thing is...he would wear it. Seriously.

Meppy/Franklin - forget the delicious puffiness; you know you want the headgear.

Sam! No need to shop for a prom tux, pal. Fink's got you covered.

This. Is. Greg.

Boom-Boom loves to ski.

And so it goes in the world of the fashion-savvy. There you are, my boys. Go forth and shop.

Seriously, though…a commenter on one of the sites said it best, telling this year’s designers to “PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE.”


Happy Saturday.


PS – Coming soon: a tribute to the Finkville Femmes. :-)

Photo credits: Reuters, LA Times

16 thoughts on “For the Boys

  1. Ross

    First off, this was a remarkably sweet and thoughtful gesture on your part, thanks for thinking of me. Second, I really dig that jacket!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ha – I thought you might, Ross. Who else would find jammies, a bathrobe and a hat and scarf appealing (well, besides me)?

      Can I pick ’em or what??!?

  2. BoomR

    I was JUST about to say, “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for allowing RF to forget about me down here in the Big D…”

    –and then I get to the end of the post…. YAAAOOOW-ZA!! Funny thing is:

    I have bowling shoes that match that outfit!

    **SMOOCH** Thank Yew!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Red, white and blue bowling shoes? Now that would be the poo, doll.

      And no way I’d forget about you, darling dear! I remember you talking about “schussing” down the slopes when you used to go to Snow Trails up here. The entire outfit is so, so you.


  3. RD

    I honored to be included in your list! Thanks! How about I wear that outfit my last Sunday! That would give them something to remember me by for years to come!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Say the word, bird — I will *SO* be there! (I will anyway…just remind me to ask you when it is!)

  4. Greg

    Watch it! Watch it!! Two can play at this game!!! Besides I wouldn’t wear anything like that unless it had some chase lights, Double Dancer, King Tut or some other technically involved light show!! HA!! HA!!!

  5. PKPudlin

    And I used to think fashion designers just hated on women. Au contraire…. Nice to know they are bipartisan in that arena…. I think…..

    “You probably don’t have anything in that black bag for me….”

  6. kodye

    Funny thing is, those goat pants are so last week. Us fashion forward thinkers are already on the newest trend, goat gloves. Although these hooves did make it quite difficult to type. This little post hear actually took up 4 hours.

  7. Adam

    It looks like I broke my neck and have one on one of those halos to keep my head from moving. Do I have orange fingernails also?


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