Nah, I’m not talking about the last quarter of school, although that’s coming up, too. Rather, I mean full steam ahead to theĀ Odyssey, beginning in June. It’s by far the most ambitious trip we’ve ever taken, and it’ll probably be the last for a long while. But boy is it going to be worth it.
After about five revisions (just couldn’t do Vancouver financially this time, rats), we’re settled on the itinerary, and all the hotels/lodges are booked. We’re ready to fly!
And speaking of flying, I am going to see if there’s a place that’ll let me strike something off my Bucket List: ziplining. If I don’t have to waste half the day taking a class, I want to zipline across some forest canopy or mountain divide. Have to check out some information.
We’re leaving a full month earlier than we have in past years. I think we’ll like that, in that there will still be some summer left when we return. The greatest thing about the whole adventure will be visiting family and friends on either end of the trip (in Mississippi, Texas, Illinois and Wisconsin). A real highlight, of course, will be my recording session with the amazing and talented BoomR at his home studio.
Why can’t it be tomorrow?
I know, I know. First comes finishing out the school year with upcoming concerts (three of them) and graduation. Much to be done, but there’s always the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to that, bigtime.
Are you getting together with family over the Easter holiday? We have the Js coming tonight to spend the night, followed by a fun scavenger hunt tomorrow morning before their parents come to pick them up for the holiday celebrations. We’ll also see Mr. A. (grandson #3) tomorrow, so my weekend is totally thumbs-up.
Happy Saturnday to all — get some relaxin’ done today, wouldya?
Thanks so much for sending me the itinerary! It all looks so exciting, and I demand LOTS of pictures and reports on how it’s going! *Ahem*….”ziplining”?! If you decide to do that – make sure Thriller videos the entire thing!!!!!!!!!!
Guess I’ll get to work. More spring cleaning to be done today, and it’s going to be a gorgeous day to do it! Enjoy the time with the J’s, luv! Give them lots of “bunny” hugs from Aunt Mavis!!!
Will do, Mavis — on all counts! And get this: The Thriller has decided to zipline WITH ME if we find a place. HA!! I’d want to figure out a way to strap my phone to my helmet so I can video the experience. There’s gotta be a way they can let you do that, or at least buy a video of it. Cripes, there’s money to be made there, and I’m sure someone’s thought of it!
When you’re here, remind me to hook you up with one of these (I think I may have 1 or 2 laying around somewhere):
There’s some better pics here (including a better pic of strapping your flip to a bicycle helmet):
SHEEEEYEAH!!! Awesome, luv!!!

Seriously?? You are willing to dangle from a thin wire and hurtle yourself across a ravine but you won’t get on a plane and sit comfortably in a seat??
YEP. I’m willing to dangle from two (one basic, and one back-up) elevator-style cables, 20 feet high. That’s about as daredevil as I get, LOL.
And I’ll get on a plane if I have to…I’ve done it countless times. I just hate, hate, HATE it!
Are you taking Route 2 through Montana? If so, you’re going to be going through Havre which is the town I was born in.
I think we are going Route 2 — and I will take a celebratory picture and post it on your Facebook wall.