Going out in style

On my last official 24 hours of vacation, the Js are going to come spend the day. Fun! I’m not sure what all we’ll do, but we will definitely find some kind of mischief to get into.

Tonight, the Thriller and I will dine on the beef stew that cooked all day, and have a relaxing evening at home. Once tomorrow hits, the insanity begins. Yippy. Into the Great Wide Open.

Of course, that journey begins with the video on bloodborne pathogens, union meeting, two staff meetings (those of us who teach both middle school and high school are lucky like that), finishing up the last of my classroom preparations (I admit I have yet to file last spring’s music), and doing some more lesson planning, copying, cleaning, and phone-calling. Then I’ll be ready for Tuesday.

Why do I have Monday off? I dunno. We’re just awesome like that, I guess. Or they did it so chumps like me could spend the whole time at school anyway.

OK — boys arrive in 25. Gotta get the coffee refilled and on with the day. Hang in there, fiends — it’s almost the end of the week!

7 thoughts on “Going out in style

  1. Suzanne

    Hmm at first I thought that tunnel graphic was a turkey and you were looking forward to Thanksgiving. :-)P

    Hope you are having loads of FUN with the Js! Enjoy the evening, you deserve it!

    XOXOXO *smewches*

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We did enjoy the day! (And incidentally, I AM looking forward to Thanksgiving, because of the FOOD aspect — maybe I was channeling that? LOL)

  2. Mavis

    I’m sure the boys had a grand time with Grammie/Grandpa Jack! I know you’ll miss not being able to do that as often during the school year. Just keep your eyes on that retirement clock, kiddo.

    Hope your “disease-filled” day went well and you were able to stay awake during the video! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well knock me over with a feather, Mavis. I’d forgotten that we have to watch the dreaded video online now, and not as a group where we can monkey around with our phones and iPads and generally not pay attention. Of COURSE they saw that behavior in past years, and now we have to also take a test on the material. HA

      The day was crazy — no time to work in my room. GRRR — well I guess that’s what Saturdays are for, right?? Hope you’re feeling much better!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey you! It was my old standby this time (the last time was your mama’s, and we loved it). All I had in the house was the meat, taters and carrots. But it was tasty!

      Hey, somebody’s ready to fly the country soon…XXXX


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