Last night, my select vocal ensemble sang the national anthem for the Cleveland Cavaliers’ game (wish the Cavs had won, but…). I told my band colleague before the gig that I always do the same thing: On the drive up to Cleveland, I say to myself, “This is probably the last time I do this for awhile; such a hassle and I hate the traffic and it’s so expensive and it’s a long drive for the parents and…”
Then after we get there, sing it, and walk off, I say, “Man, I’m glad the kids were able to do this. Can’t wait for next year.”
Yeah, I’m a donkey.
What fun it was to watch them get pumped and chat with them in the holding area on the event level, and just hang out. (Teachers: you’re never too busy for that.) They sang like angels and I hope everyone had a good time. I think they did.
Now I wish the school day would be a whole lot of this:
Fifth graders have all the fun.
CONGRATS! Glad you had a safe trip up & back. And what’s up with your 5th graders? Did you bake some cupcakes with sedatives so they’d mellow out??
Hope you’re feeling better, luv… I finally seem to be over my sinus infection + bronchitis after almost 2 weeks… UGH…

Hahaha — you’d think I drugged ’em! Actually, we were experimenting with the feeling of gravity on the diaphragm. They sang while lying on their backs, and had to physically feel the lift of their diaphragm against gravity.
Actually, I was just hoping they’d fall asleep. KIDDING LOL
Glad you’re over your bronchitis! I just came back from the doc and am off to the pharmacy now…bLAh
Giving your students experiences like this is just one of the things that makes you an extra special teacher loved by your students. You go the extra mile for them time after time. They’ll remember this for a long, long time. Thanks to you they’ll have some positive memories of their educational experience.
Thanks RD! *hugs*