Halloween at Grammie’s

Yes, you have to put up with a Grammie post, complete with photos. (Well, you don’t have to; you could click away, but I wish you wouldn’t.)

Jake had fun at Grammie’s yesterday. After I got home from school, we played awhile before I had to go to rehearsal. Of course, the camera was out…

Hi, let me try that camera

Hey you up there

Calling Santa

Tired little dragon after trick-or-treat

#1 Son and tired little dragon

And to think there was a time when I thought I was too young to be a grandmother. Shame on me. If anything, this boy keeps me thinking and acting young. (Notice I didn’t say *looking* young. Oh well — as Meatloaf once sang…)

Fink out.

3 thoughts on “Halloween at Grammie’s

  1. Jan

    He is adorable! This is the stuff that keeps it real, ya know what I mean? I see you so much of you in both of them.


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