HB Rousseau – yar

Avast, me hearties…it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day. I love it for several reasons:

  1. I get to say “yar.”
  2. I tell my 5th & 6th graders to say “yar” all day long to their teachers. (The teachers love it, believe me.)
  3. I look forward to visiting the teachers at the end of the day. Heh heh.

But most of all, I love TLaPD because it’s Rousseau’s birthday. YAR for Rousseau!

We think he’s 7 or 8 (he was a pound puppy, adopted by Bob & Kay at about 2 or 3 years old). I chose today as his birthday a couple of years ago. I guess it doesn’t matter, though. Every day’s a party for him. He’s the spolt-rottenest canine on the high seas — and on land, too, for that matter.

I’ll be a-caperin’ up the stairs for to get ready to sail for the school house. Arrrgh.

Fink, honin’ the pi-rat-titude

One thought on “HB Rousseau – yar

  1. Mavis

    Well blow me down! I forgot it was Rousseau’s birthday! Rousseau, I’ll be by this weekend to refurbish your treat barrel. Yar..shiver me timbers..hoist the mainsail..uh…I got nothing. Happy Birthday Rousseau!

    Maid Maven


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