HNY, fiends!

I just noticed I never wrote a Happy New Year greeting for 2016. Hmmm. Foreshadowing, mayhap? If so, it was certainly by accident.

For every social media/cultural trend, it seems there is almost always an equal push for the opposite. Towards the end of 2016, people began to label last year one of the worst ever. And of course, as if to say you’re not the boss of me, others chimed in, claiming that there was in fact plenty of good in 2016, and stop being so morose and really this is all about sore losers and Trump won so get over it. And stop complaining; it could’ve been 1929 or 1933 or 2001 or this. Are you saying 2016 was worse than those?

Then came the obligatory, fallacy-of-unwarranted-assumption Everyone talks about celebrity deaths, but no one acknowledges our military personnel who died trope, as if recognizing popular and cultural figures’ deaths is somehow diminishing or even negating the importance of soldiers, Marines, airmen and sailors who gave all for their country. My kingdom for the ability to reach through the monitor…

Nobody (at least that I’ve seen) has said that nothing good happened in 2016. But you cannot ignore facts (well, some people can, but that’s for another day). I won’t list everything here, as I’m sure you’re already aware of the slew of souls the performing arts community lost, as well as the record number of law enforcement officer deaths, and murders via gun violence this past year, and that Brexit and the American presidential election proved beyond doubt that one way to win the support of the populace is to play on its nationalist assumptions and irrational, racist fears. Those events alone can poop all over a whole year, and in my opinion, they did.

Still, we rejoice in waking up this morning, even though the Thriller and I have spent most of the last week coughing, hacking and wheezing, which also means I have exactly one seventh of the work I wanted to do over break completed. Nice.

We can also celebrate that our republic has faced the horrors of civil war, slavery, rampant social injustice and being an eyelash away from nuclear disaster, and still survived. If we faced those trials and prevailed, we can surely outlast what lies ahead. There is hope.

So I challenge all my readers (as you know, there are 100-some worldwide — a veritable multitude; a vultitude) to resolve this day to make 2017 shine. We are greater than our circumstances; let’s prove it, over and over. Allons y!

Happiness and peace,

3 thoughts on “HNY from RtB VIII

  1. Mavis

    Amen to all that was said, Bird. I’m going to do my level best to tamp down all the negativity in the world and make 2017 MY best year! Short and sweet – I’m thankful to just be alive and will keep that fight going in this new year. Love yourselves and your neighbors, fiends! HNY to all of you! <3

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      That’s the spirit, Mave — we will keep up the good fight! Looking forward to you getting your health back in 2017 – yay!

  2. David

    HNY Ms Fink!
    Never been much of a “resolution” sort of guy regarding the New Year; though I have always spent the last few weeks reflecting on the good and the not so good of the soon ending year. 2016 was no different. I figured if I remained true to my core values, lived my life authentically and truly tried to be kind, generous and compassionate I would not need to make promises to myself every year. So far…true. We live in a time where most people are treated like cannon fodder by an unloving, at time harsh World…I refuse to be part of that…I can change it!
    I loved your very real, “head not buried in the sand” reflection of 2016. Like you, I believe we will survive this rudderless ship these next four years, that is not to say it will be easy nor fun. We will survive because I believe the whole is greater than its parts…and frankly, I’m the quintessential “glass is half full” guy. :)
    On the personal front…2017 will eventually hold answers to the comfort and longevity of this life I have been blessed to enjoy. Huge decisions and choices regarding the good, the bad and the ugly of living with my old pal pain. On this, admittedly, the glass seems less full!
    I missed the email notice of this RtB post until late last night…made me smile seeing my Fink Friend in my inbox…you are always a joy to see. Ms Fink…I love you, miss you even more! Look forward to a new year of intellectual gems from my Friend! Peace!


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