I’m old fashioned.

I admit it. Just when I think I’m all progressive and 21st-century, I am reminded of things I miss.

Some might even call me a…you know…one of those things pictured at the left. It’s ok; I don’t mind.

On some things, I’m just old fashioned.

I don’t know why I’m feeling all nostalgic this morning (seeing as how my aching head and sore throat are not making me happy), but it may surprise you to learn how really stuck-in-the-olden-days I am. Time has indeed moved on without me in many ways.

Some Reasons I Might Be Called “Old Fashioned”

  1. I think men should still open doors for ladies, and offer to carry heavy things, and let them go first.
  2. I believe children should be respectful to adults, and that there are parental decisions which should not be open to debate.
  3. I’m totally comfortable with the word “gay” also meaning “happy and carefree.”
  4. I think girls should leave more of their physical attributes to the imagination, and less hanging out for all to see (I know, TRO would disagree).
  5. I watch White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life every December, and although both movies contain no hot guys, no swear words, no sexual situations, no naked people, no violence and no CGI, I still love watching them, and I still bawl like an idiot in all the same places.

But I’m really a paradox; self-contradictory. I cling to certain notions and conventions of the past while maintaining an iron grip on modernity, to wit:

  1. I couldn’t see myself enjoying life as much without my computer and cell phone: two things I definitely did not have growing up, but without which I still had a perfectly happy childhood.
  2. My views on the modern “Christian” church and its many cruel incarnations might be considered radical by some, especially considering my old-fashioned views on other issues. [Although….hating Pharisees is likely a very old concept.]

But I guess that’s the beauty of the thing. We can choose what we ascribe to, feel, and hold dear. I’m just glad we have the freedom to do it. Not everyone does.

And now, to the sofa, after swallowing DayQuil, which, of course, makes the world go around (DayQuil, not the sofa).

Fink out.

7 thoughts on “I’m old fashioned.

  1. TRO

    1. I always open doors for women. And my three sons do it too because both loving wife and I hit them in the back of the head when they forget. Well, she just stares at them and refuses to open the door until they remember, but I don’t mind popping them.

    2. See #1 in regards to the “hit in the back of the head” on this one as well.

    3. I agree about this one as well. If I had a daughter she would be dressed fashionably, but modestly. I don’t like to see girls going around with “Sweet Cheeks” on their butts. Women, on the other hand . . .

    4. I have both those movies on DVD. Along with Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.

    As to your other two:

    1. Computers rock.

    2. I agree to a certain extent except that I would add that the Christian faith and its various churches are certainly not the most cruel in the world as this time.

  2. Mathew

    I’m rather not old-fashioned and agree with you on most of those things…so it’s okay.

    Also…is there anyway you can embed something other than Quicktime? I am rather loathe to sully this computer with it.

  3. Rat Fink Post author

    Heh heh. Sorry Mathew — I’m pleading laziness here. My WordPress interface has a quick-and-dirty audio insert function that works nicely with QT. But next time I’ll use a Flash player, just for you. Am I good to you or what?

    Your name came up several times the other day. Something about my supposed rant during Godspell intermission back in 2004. I had no idea what they were talking about…

  4. Stein

    I agree, in part, with what you have said….
    1. I think that ANYBODY should hold the door open for ANYBODY else. It’s respectful, kind, and considerate. Of course the guy should open for the lady, but if there’s a woman walking in front of a guy and just stands there and waits for the random guy to open the door she’s the inconsiderate one.
    2. Respect goes all over. Children should respect adults, adults should respect each other, etc.
    3. This is one of those times in the history of the English language that the meaning of words gets twisted and adapt. Just as we hear S#@% (poopy) and call it vulgar, unlike the trading companies of colonial times, I hear gay (and queer) and it doesn’t have the same meaning as happy or strange.
    4. Girls rely too heavily on the physical… This is probably a product of society, but a woman’s personal value is primarily based on their acceptance of their physical selves. Usually they feel accepted when they are *shudders* desired. DISGUSTING and VULGAR and all those fun words….
    5. Don’t kid yourself, James Stewart and Donna Reed are hot.

  5. Stein

    I could’ve used less words but that would have required me to be more crass, blunt, and actually what I think of as funny.


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