La comédie est finie

What, already?

One of my favorite — albeit tragically sad — lines from Immortal Beloved is when Beethoven, in his final death struggle, reflects on his life and says with great bitterness and regret, “The comedy is over.”

And so it goes with Summer 2013 (except without the bitterness and regret part). Yesterday, I went to Earth Fare with Kay and bought some groceries, then spent the better part of the evening relaxing. It was the last time until, oh…Christmas break. This morning, it’s back in the Old Routineyeah, man.

Things are changing all over this fall, especially with public education in Ohio, and indeed, the country. I don’t know where I’ll be (in my head) next Memorial Day, when this year is over. I hope I can keep my attitude positive and my outlook fresh. It’s sort of self-defeating any other way, ja? Life is what you make it, and all that happy crappy, as Stephen King says.

One thing’s for certain: next year’s Odyssey will be fun. It’ll be shorter, but still exciting. In the general plan is a trip to Virginia Beach, followed by the sights in and around Washington, DC and Philly (the Thriller has never been to either place), and a jaunt up to Atlantic City. The only bad part? Surviving Pennsylvania. (This is the state that never ends; it just goes on and on, my friend…)

We’re really not beach people, so the trip to the ocean will be for the view and not the sunbathing. But we hope to see fantastic things, and we’ll enjoy the planning process. The saving-up process, not so much, but it will have been worth it when we finally take off next June.

Next June…are we there yet? :P

5 thoughts on “La comédie est finie

  1. RD

    I certainly hope that this coming year turns out to be superlative for you, far better than anticipated, regardless of the way it looks now. You’re a terrific teacher who is positive, spunky, has a wonderful personality, great sense of humor and excellent re portiere with your students. So look out school year, here you come! Sounds like you have a fun odyssey planned for next summer. We haven’t even thought about that as of yet. Gotta make it to FL first! The way you feel about PA is what I feel about Georgia on our way to Florida, especially when we go Interstate 75 through Atlanta. Georgia goes on forever! I think we’ll have to go 75 this Fall. :-(

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you, my friend, for those kind words! As you know, it’s the kids who matter to me, not the stupid state policies and ridiculous flavor-of-the-month “educational” approaches, put forth by people who’ve never set foot in a classroom. If I hear the words “accountability” or “rigor” fall out one of their mouths again, I may turn to felonious behavior. :P

      We have to have a java klatch one more time before you guys take off. Don’t point the van south without it!!

  2. Mavis

    Yeah, what RD said!! I’ll also be praying that this year is a banner one for you, sweetie. You certainly deserve one. Hopefully, more parents will get on the bandwagon and help to change things in the school system! We can always hope.

    The next Odyssey sounds like a good one! I also agree with RD about Georgia – good grief that’s one long state to get through! :D

  3. Mavis

    Forgot to add – I remember the first time you introduced me to, “Immortal Beloved”. We were at your place in Titusville. We had a box of Kleenex between us and were eating popcorn! Love that movie.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I hope you’re right about the parent bandwagon, Mave. It is beyond frustrating when you’re one of the very few who’s mad enough about a thing. Keep hope alive!

      I can’t get through the final scene of IB without bawling — and I’ve seen the dumb thing ten times!!! HA


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