Le jour de gloire est arrivé

And if you can tell me what song that line comes from, I will personally send you a big fat lovely Hershey’s chocolate bar. Why?


Happy Hamsgiving to one and all this day! While I’m at school, Mavis will be making all the preparations (a big shout of thanks to her — there is no way I could have done this alone with having school all day), and I will fly home by 3:45 to assist in last-minute things before company arrives at 5:30. Big gracias also goes to the Thriller for his role in cleaning, pitching and carrying. All I have to do is frost a cake when I get home, and help with final preflight preps, and then it is ON. Thirteen of us will party down on the roast beast and fixins, and there will be much love all around.

I will check in with you later this evening, and of course tomorrow, to see how your holiday weekend is shaping up (except for Suzanne, who lives in a place where turkeys roam free…wait, are there turkeys in Holland?). Report!

Fink, over ‘n out

4 thoughts on “Le jour de gloire est arrivé

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ding ding ding! I should’ve known you would get it. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you, friend — enjoy the time with your girls!

  1. Suzanne

    Lots of turkeys here. Wait…you mean the feathered kind? HA. To be honest I don’t know if there are wild turkeys roaming around but I can find the occasional turkeys at the store.

    Have a wonderful Hams-giving!

    * it’s the French National Anthem* , what do I get for 2nd place??

    XOXOXO *smewch*


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