Lovely diversion

Just when I think it’s another textbook Friday morning (drag out of bed after too little sleep, put on the moccasins, take out the dog, make the coffee, check Facebook, write blog post, get showered & dressed, make lunch, drive to school), my phone chirps at me.

It’s BFF Kay, from Slovenia, on Gmail Chat. How nice! She and Bob are having lots of fun in their last two weeks or so across the pond. Then they come back for awhile. It will be good to see them. And she so needs to work with my sopranos.

Then there’s Mavis. Any suggestions for an insomnia cure, outside of a loon mallet? That girl is worrying me bigtime… :-(

BoomR is having fun in Dubai, and Suzanne is back home in Klompenland after a whirlwind US tour. It was great to see her. Anyone else doing anything big?

It’s Friday. I am rehearsal.


4 thoughts on “Lovely diversion

  1. BoomR

    Do I get a chocolate bar for being the person who posts to your blog from the furthest distance away from Ashburg, Oh? :-)


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