
Flying down the interstate today. We want to reach BoomR’s house as quickly as we can, YaaAAaaAAy

But yesterday, we avoided the expressway almost completely and stayed on the Old Road. And while we saw some delightful stops along the way, the commercial devastation caused by the advent of the interstate highway was impossible to miss. Some of the little towns we drove through had just dried up, with abandoned remnants of better days standing guard over the two-lane road that once was the signature thoroughfare between Illinois and California.

Some out-of-the-way places have really capitalized on tourism, however, and seem to do really well. For those of you not on Facebook, one of my favorite stops was the World’s Largest Rocking Chair in Fanning, MO, where we spent some time at the Trading Post and did some shopping.

We drove through Cuba and saw another Route 66 classic — the Wagon Wheel Motel. Built in the 1930s, it embodies the old-style “motor court” establishment, with stone cottages built from pieces of Ozark mountain rock.



Great day, full of fantastic memories, with a comfortable night in the “Route 66 Room” at the world famous Munger Moss Motel. I’m uploading most of my pictures to Facebook, and if you don’t do the FB thing, email me and I’ll send you a public link to them. Fun stuff.

Speaking of fun…writing the blog in the car is just that. Having family and fiends to share it with: amazing.

Fink (and the Thriller), Dallas bound

5 thoughts on “Missouri

  1. Mavis

    I love the stone cabins! Have a KuKu Burger for me today! And yes, it’s another place I could probably run. ;0) Give BoomR a big hug from Mavis!

    Love you both and safe travel!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well as you know, we didn’t make the KuKu Burger, but we had a great meal at Clanton’s instead. Since that time, it’s been nose-to-the-grindstone — we’re both beat and ready for a nice steak dinner and hangout time with BoomR and BV. I’ll let you know when we get there and settled — hugs on the way!

  2. Greg

    Looks really like some interesting stuff along the way—almost like regressing in time!I admire the determination it took for you both to make this trip. I don’t think I’d have the patience to do all that driving on my own–I’d probably just fly over Rt. 66 and be in LA fairly quickly (and less tiring too). Continue to enjoy!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Greggy. I know a lot of people who just don’t enjoy the driving experience. I’m not sure I’d enjoy it if I went by myself, either. But we’re already planning next summer’s road trip — we love the driving part.

      1. Greg

        I’ll bet you both would enjoy New England/Canada–nice country and usually not stinking hot like it is here. French Canada is attractive though the people tend to be a little stand-offish! Too bad you can’t drive to Bermuda–the people there are great!!


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