Morning after

Well, opening night was a resounding success. Thanks to all my Finkville Fiends for the emails and for the encouraging comments here on the blog; they do mean the world, and I will get back to you on the double, once we close.

I have some pictures that were taken during the last dress rehearsal on Wednesday night. Have a looksee if you like…I think it’s a great cast.

Stars Frank & Annie, going at it in “Anything You Can Do”:


Sitting Bull (very cool that George is part Native American) & squaws:


Sitting Bull, Annie, Buffalo Bill, Charlie Davenport:


Dolly Tate (our Dolly is delightfully bratty):


The 4 kids are perfect:


Pawnee Bill, Dolly, Buffalo Bill:




Frank & Annie, going at it again:


The cast:

Looking forward to doing it all again tonight. But for now…off to the grocery. Jakey’s coming for lunch with his mama & daddy, and Grammie doesn’t have to be at the school until 6 p.m.

Happy Finkday indeed!

5 thoughts on “Morning after

  1. BoomR

    CONGRATS! CONGRATS!!! The pics look EXCELLENT! I did Annie the first year after graduating from AC back in Iowa with my little farming community school – and we had a BLAST!!

    Bluvox & I are sitting here in the living room reading your blog on the big screen – about to settle in for a Mad Men Season 2 marathon. Drop me an email when you get your head above water! I HEART UU!!!!


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