Morning harangue

What’s a girl to think?

So this morning, I hit the Reuters site, looking for some *good* news. Well, keep moving, folks. Nothin’ to see here.

President Obama sends more soldiers to Afghanistan. GM and Chrysler are closing plants and laying off workers, while asking for just a little more money.

Once again, Alan Greenspan brings up the big one. I remember my dad and grandmother talking about it like it was yesterday. Many of you who have parents or other relatives who survived the Great Depression know what I mean — strange behaviors like not being able to break the habit of pouring water on breakfast cereal instead of milk, or getting a storage container for exactly seven leftover green beans, or saving bacon fat to cook in later. There may be a huge case of “everything old is new again” on our horizon…

We’re finding out how incredibly easy it is to operate massive, ongoing frauds and Ponzi schemes with monolithic hubris — right under the nose of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Some folks are just ate up. I mean really.

Donald Trump’s casino business is going under. No surprise, given the economy the way it is, but man I love Atlantic City casinos. Actually, I love all casinos. As the RtB faithful already know, the Thriller and I save up money throughout the year to make a Christmas Day pilgrimage to Detroit to have some casino fun. You also then know that it didn’t happen this year because we used the money to buy the 56-inch television that now sits in the living room. (Actually, the TV is cool and I don’t mind at all.)

But a world without video poker…where is the hope, friend? What the heck?

OK, gimme some good news. That’s the challenge today. I covet your sunny-side thoughts.


4 thoughts on “Morning harangue

  1. PKPudlin

    Ummm, well….
    I got 4 new voice students and one new piano student, all within the past 2 days and that puts me over the top so I can finally quit my transcription job. Good news for my doc, who was having fits thinking I was going to need another CTS surgery. Good news for my stomach because I can stop downing ibuprofen like they were M&Ms. Good news for my recorder consort because now I can actually make rehearsals – imagine that! I realize this is good news only on a personal level, but sometimes you takes what you can gits.


  2. Stein

    The good news economically is that we have a period of time, The Great Depression, from which we can reflect on and hopefully as a nation not make the same mistakes. Now the good news that actually matters…
    1. I’m engaged
    2. You’ll get an invite
    3. Spring Training for MLB has started!!!
    4. I’ve started with an instrument inventory for SC to better everything.
    5. Lil’ Jake
    6. I’m not embarrassed when our president speaks in foreign lands.
    7. There’s this website….
    8. You aren’t alone.
    9. There is not a current drought, our farmers will be fairly prosperous.
    10. DT!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Stein, I so rarely want to hug you. But I’m going to make an exception. Prepare yourself. I’m coming to your building this day.


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