
We crossed the Nevada border yesterday on I-80 East, about 25 miles from Reno. It was a hot day out west, as most of you know, and the temperatures, according to the little gauge on the car clock, hovered between 100 and 103 degrees. Shoo-ee!

So there we were, motoring along, excited to get to one of our favorite cities to play. Chatting, laughing, then … uh-oh. All traffic came to a dead stop. At first, we joked about the dreaded “phantom bottleneck” (a term that, for years, I thought I authored; imagine my sad face when I learned I didn’t make up the phrase after all), but soon we were concerned that there might have been an accident. Well, there had been. I got on Twitter and learned that a truck had caught fire up ahead. An hour later, when we were allowed to pass the accident site in single file, it appeared that the fire department had it under control. I hope the driver wasn’t hurt.

After that, it was smooth sailing, and we arrived in “The Biggest Little City in the World.” We always stay at a Caesar’s property (Caesar’s Palace, Horseshoe, Bally’s, Harrah’s) because the Thriller is a member of their Players’ Club, so we get discounts. This time around, the discount was 100%. And a first for us: a corner suite!

It was a mini-suite, actually, but the view was nice, and for $0 and comp credits (including the awesome Harrah’s buffet), it was great.

They say a good day at the casino is when you leave with more — or the same number of — shekels than what you brought. Such was the case for us and our egg of money. Yay, viva la relaxación! We loved it.

We’re still in Nevada tonight, staying at the Peppermill in Wendover. Never been there; should be fun as well, as we continue to make our way back home. *XOXO*

Happy Tunesday, luvs!

2 thoughts on “Nevada

  1. Mavis

    Not another traffic jam! I hope the driver was ok. Yikes.

    Wow! Fully comped on the suite! Sweet! Very nice room and great view, sweetie. Hope Wendover is just as nice. You’re making your way back home!


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