Gonna be one crazy weekend, fiends.
- Take Mavis to the doctor
- Meet BFF Kay at Bux
- Shop for various & sundry items
- Wedding at 4
- Pick up Mavis, bake all evening
- Plant 50+ fall bulbs (thanks for the planting tool loaner, RD!)
- Wrap birthday gifts
- Bob’s birthday feast
- Write instrumental parts for one Dinner Theatre number (or die trying)
- Boardwalk Empire and Breaking Bad (DVR Pan Am for later consumption)
Aaaaaand scene. It’s Monday. How about you? What’s on your to-do list this weekend?
What’s my plan for the weekend?….”Stayin’ Alive. Stayin’ Alive. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Stayin’ Aliiiiive.”
Can’t wait to see you this morning/evening! Hope the stupid rain stops, though! Looking forward to Bob’s birthday feast, too!
It was fun, wasn’t it?? And you stayed alive the whoooooooooole time.
– Bond with the family
– Drive back to Campus without getting lost (This is actually the most difficult part of my weekend).
– Study for my exams scheduled this Monday and Tuesday.
Enjoy your weekend!
I’ll cross my fingers for sun and warmth.
I wish we could have met up this past weekend, Skylar. Maybe over the holidays? Good luck on exams!
…and are you a Dexter watcher, too? I think the new season premiers tonight as well! I’m going to be on a plane out to OC – thank heavens for TiVO!!!
Hey, have a good week out in sunny California! (I watched the first season of Dexter…have to catch up!) XO
Hope you survived your busy week-end with flying colors, and that you had an enjoyable time with all of it. You’re very welcome on the bulb planting tool. How’d it go?
Well………………………haha. It was too cold and rainy to go outside! *boo hoo*
But this coming Saturday and Sunday, it’s supposed to be sunny and 70. Much better weather. I’ll probably end up keeping that planter (unless you need it in Florida, in which case I’ll drop it off at your house soon). What say?
I know, the weather was miserable this week-end. I’m glad you weren’t out in it trying to plant bulbs. You’re welcome to keep the planter as long as you want. I won’t need it in Florida.