‘Tis a new day indeed. For the first time since December 2006, I am free of Boston University. Completely. Permanently. All that’s left is getting the final grade, receiving the diploma in the mail, and depositing the course reimbursement from my school district into the Route 66 Vacation Fund. Life is grand.
I submitted the final draft of my thesis last night. No more edits; it’s over. I went downstairs where the Thriller was working on homework (he is just beginning his 2-year grad school odyssey), and just sort of sat there, numb. He asked me how I felt, and I had trouble deciding. Relief, I guess, but even moreso I think it is a sense of disbelief. It’s been so much a part of my daily existence for three years, I’m not sure what to replace it with.
But I’m sure I’ll find something.
Ross reminded me last week about an upcoming Beatles show on the History Channel. It premiered last night (I missed it; after finishing the thesis, I turned on the Cavs game and promptly fell asleep watching it), and fortunately, I recorded it. So, on this quiet Thanksgiving morning when the house is asleep, and before the craziness of the day begins, I am going to make some delicious coffee, curl up on the sofa, and watch me some Fabs.
A happy Thanksgiving to all my fiends this day — have a great time with your families! I know I will.
Congrats-it is over. . .yay for you! Have a great day with your family.
Luv ya,
Thanks, Stoneyfriend. Sometime this weekend, I’m going to relax by watching 42nd St. Who says I can’t turn off school stuff?? LOL
Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on being done with your grad work. I guess your students would have to start calling you Professor Jackson once you get your diploma.
As for the Beetles special, the bright side is even if you hadn’t recorded it, it would have repeated at least ten times in the next couple of days between reruns of Hitlery Mysteries (“Who built the pyramids? Today, we’re going to prove it was Hitler.”)
Yep Will — I’ve heard it called “The Hitler Channel” on several occasions. Funny. Hopefully there’ll be no Third Reich references in the Beatles show (although there might be some WWII references).
Nope, no “professor” title. That would make me feel reeeeeeeeeeally old.
Happy Turkey Day – you talked to your ma yet?
You won’t need to replace the time spent on the grad/doctoral work. If there’s free time, enjoy it! Or tinker around the house–it’s leisure time that’s well-earned!
I’m going to have to reacquaint myself with this “leisure time” concept. Looking forward to it! Can’t wait to start being Grammie full time.
All that free time? 2 words: Logic Studio! LOL Happy T’giving to you & the white gloved one! I’m about to make us a little brekkie & then plop my butt on the sofa & get ready for a “The Prisoner” marathon – been on the DVR since the season finale of MM.
SOOOOO happy for you getting the thesis done, turned in, etc!! Are you going to post it online so we can take it all in?
Yes, doll! Logic Studio is my next project. I need to get hooked up with you for a training session.
I’ve never watched Prisoner. Is it fab? Is it on Hulu?
And absolutely no way am I putting that bad boy online. I actually prefer to have people stay awake and avoid self-flagellation while reading my stuff. HA
Yay love those words–final draft! Congrats and I hope you are having a wonderful day.