…my show opens.
And if that isn’t enough to make me want to yak, I’ve been fighting the dreaded sick headache this morning. What is up with that? I only have rehearsals till 8:30 tonight.
Isn’t it funny how a having a headache makes it easier to complain about things not even headache-related? Hmm.
OK, here’s a task for today (speaking of non sequitur). Add to this list:
Things in the US and Canada to Do or See Before You Die
I’ll start.
- The Grand Canyon
- New York City
- Niagara Falls
Ready, steady, go. You’re helping to plan a future vacation.
Fink out (to the kitchen for aspirin)
4. Banff National Park
5. Martha’s Vineyard
Hope your headache is gone by now, Bird!
Love you!
Will listed the House on the Rock. Didn’t Mother and Dad take us there long before it became a resort? Seems like we were living in Wisconsin at the time. I could be wrong.
No, we were there! I remember all the mechanized musical instruments — especially the two violins that played by themselves! That’s my most vivid memory. If I remember right, I was kind of spooked by some of the displays. But those violins — I’ll never forget!
6) Times Square!
Now travaling to New York City is pretty much out of the question when you talk about taking a vacation.. but it is definitely on the board for ‘things to see before you die’
Agreed, Adam! What a thrill that was, yes? And I would most definitely list NYC as a vacation destination (but you’re right – I’d never DRIVE there!).
I’m 2 for 3 – Niagara shouldn’t be too hard!
Another one that some people put on their lists: Great Wall of China
…and I’m fortunate enough to have THAT one checked off my list, too!
I really would love to see that someday — I hear tell that people even camp out on it. Alas, I never been to China. But I kinda like the music.

7. The Corn Palace in Mitchel, South Dakota
9. The Mark Twain House and Museum
10. Canyon de Chelly National Monument
11. Roswell, New Mexico (Every 4th of July is their UFO festival)
12. The House on The Rock
13. The Santa Crux Mystery Spot
14. The Winchester Mystery House
I originally had links to their pages on wiki but it wouldn’t let me post them so sorry.
The Corn Palace is fantastic.
I see that, Will. I have WordPress configured to flag comments with more than one URL in them (spam protection). Thanks for that — I had no idea about the Santa Crux thing!
I also can’t spell. It’s Santa Cruz, not Santa Crux. *facepalm*
It’s OK, Will. Typing “Santa Crux Mystery Spot” into Google took me right to it!
15. The Harry Potter part of Universal Studios Theme Park in Orlando.
California’s Pacific Coast Highway
The Golden Gate Bridge
Wow, these are all great (even the Harry Potter one, Kodye)! Some are in the plans already and I can’t wait to see them — the GG Bridge, Corn Palace if it’s on the way. Awesome stuff!
The Thriller would love to see the Winchester house. We’ll have to see if we have time, since San Jose won’t be too far out of the way. Thanks everyone!