Operation Sofa Day

I guess it was a success. I do feel less coughy. Rested? Meh. More ready to face my afternoon-long rehearsal today? Nah. Still, it was a good idea to stay quiet and not get into anything huge yesterday. I liked it.

I did, however, manage to do the following:

  1. Devised a good plan for surviving the coming week
  2. Watched the Indians win, while flipping back and forth between the game and the Titanic show on ABC, which was surprisingly quite good (one thinks one has seen all there is to see about that particular disaster)
  3. Finished the second book in the Hunger Games series, and started the third
  4. Ran updates on my iPad apps

So, all in all, a good day. Honestly, I do notice a difference after not running about all day long.

But enough about ME. How you YOU feel about me?


8 thoughts on “Operation Sofa Day

  1. Mavis

    I, for one, am thrilled that you had a “sofa” day! You need more of those, Bird. Sure hope you and The Thriller get over this nasty stuff soon.

    It’s a gorgeous day out – could see 80 degrees! Hope rehearsal goes well! Love ya! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It was a gorgeous day indeed, Mavis! Too bad we were all stuck in rehearsal and couldn’t enjoy it! Love you, and thanks for the offer of shower & bathroom tonight…glad the plumber made it so we didn’t have to take you up on it!

      1. Mavis

        My door is always open, luv! Glad things got repaired for you – just sorry you had to spend so much!! Yikes! Hope you have a lovely day, sweets! LOVE YOU!

  2. BoomR

    You need more sofa days – and stop doing so much while you’re on the sofa! LOL Glad that you’re feeling better luv! xoxoxo

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I am on the mend and getting back to my sassy old self! I did enjoy the sofa day…sounds like you’ve needed a couple of those lately, too!

  3. Rat Fink Post author

    And you know I heart you too, Tomasito. Rousseau and I are on the mend…or at least he *will* be soon!

  4. RD

    Hope your day of rest was a huge step in your return to full health. You’ve fought this crud long enough. Since my computer is now working much better, I’m getting caught up with your blogs. I saw your post on FB about your former student’s death, but didn’t realize the circumstances until I read your blog about it. That’s so devastatingly sad.


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