Ouch and ouch

My ear.

All right, I’ve taken the day off school and I am calling the doctor. I hate doing that (both taking sick days and calling the doctor). But I have no voice left, and that stabbing, sharp pain in my left ear is starting to make me mad. What’s up with that? I did some research on it and found lots of nothing in particular.

But first, some hot tea, and pay a stack of bills. Then the fun begins. Maybe I can get Mavis to ride along with me to the doc. At least I’d have one thing to look forward to this morning!

Have a good Finkday, fiends. Mine’s gonna bite. Boo hoo, waaah, crybaby crybaby.


8 thoughts on “Ouch and ouch

  1. Mavis

    Well nuts, Bird! I’m finally getting over with the bronchitis and ear thing and you’re just getting into it! :-( I will definitely go to the doctor with you today. We need to get you healthy!! We have lots of baking/kitchen time ahead of us! Love you!

  2. BoomR

    Mavis – you’re in charge… put the smack-down on the Boid & get her to the Dr. on time! We gotta get you both healthy!

    Didja hear? The have that new-fangled Internet thang in the UK, so I’ll be checking up on y’all while I’m spending a foggy day or 2 in London Towne :-) Out Sun night & back Thurs night – I know – a quickie! :-)


    1. Mavis

      You got it, BoomR! I will take charge of the Bird and drag her if I have to! You just go and have a great trip across the pond. Love you!

  3. Rat Fink Post author

    Thanks Tom and Suz…I think I am on the mend! A day of rest did me a world of good. The ear ache is still there, but not as bad. I didn’t need the doctor after all. DayQuil and rest are doing the deed.

    BoomR — that is a really fast trip! Just make sure that foggy day doesn’t “have you low, have you down.” :-)

    I adore Gershwin — and YOU!


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