My ear.
All right, I’ve taken the day off school and I am calling the doctor. I hate doing that (both taking sick days and calling the doctor). But I have no voice left, and that stabbing, sharp pain in my left ear is starting to make me mad. What’s up with that? I did some research on it and found lots of nothing in particular.
But first, some hot tea, and pay a stack of bills. Then the fun begins. Maybe I can get Mavis to ride along with me to the doc. At least I’d have one thing to look forward to this morning!
Have a good Finkday, fiends. Mine’s gonna bite. Boo hoo, waaah, crybaby crybaby.
Well nuts, Bird! I’m finally getting over with the bronchitis and ear thing and you’re just getting into it!
I will definitely go to the doctor with you today. We need to get you healthy!! We have lots of baking/kitchen time ahead of us! Love you!
Thanks for all your help today, Mavis McGillicuddy! You are the BEAST!
My pleasure, sweetness! Now go recline yourself on that sofa!
Mavis – you’re in charge… put the smack-down on the Boid & get her to the Dr. on time! We gotta get you both healthy!
Didja hear? The have that new-fangled Internet thang in the UK, so I’ll be checking up on y’all while I’m spending a foggy day or 2 in London Towne
Out Sun night & back Thurs night – I know – a quickie! 
You got it, BoomR! I will take charge of the Bird and drag her if I have to! You just go and have a great trip across the pond. Love you!
Ouch! Earaches are not fun but are worse if you don’t get it taken care of. Take care of yourself and get some REST this weekend!!!
Ear aches are the worst. Get well soon Finktron 9000.
Thanks Tom and Suz…I think I am on the mend! A day of rest did me a world of good. The ear ache is still there, but not as bad. I didn’t need the doctor after all. DayQuil and rest are doing the deed.
BoomR — that is a really fast trip! Just make sure that foggy day doesn’t “have you low, have you down.”
I adore Gershwin — and YOU!