
Well, we’re down to the last 24 hours. Tomorrow’s the day, and I don’t have a single thing packed. Think I ought to start?

Odyssey 2014, to the unhappiest city in the US, blasts off tomorrow morning, after coffee. :-)

For the past 18 days, our lives have been centered around dogs. It’s been great fun, but with Dusty and Oliver going home today (and taking Remy with them), it’s time to get going on preparations for the road trip. I think I’m less prepared for this vacation than at any other previous time. Why is that? I dunno…I think maybe I’m less excited this time because the Odyssey is so short:  just six days. Still, I’m delighted and blessed to have these six, so no complaints here.

We have much to do and see in these six days, and now that two hours have gone by since I started writing this post, I’m happy to report that I have all my clothes set out (and others in the laundry), so that part is done.

What’s the worst part for you about getting ready to go somewhere? With me, it’s getting over the procrastination to begin. Even on our longest trips, I really didn’t get clothes ready until the day before. The Thriller is a much better planner than I; he’s been pretty much packed for two days now.

Sometimes I shake my head at my worries about forgetting something, when the reality is that we’re going to New York — not Antarctica. If we forget socks, we can stop and get some. And we must pack somewhere in the neighborhood of eight device chargers. Like, one might break, and heaven forbid we be stuck in the hotel with a Jet Pack that’s dying. What a couple-a goons.

It’s only 7.5 hours to our hotel near the Meadowlands, so it should be a relatively stress-free drive. We plan to stop somewhere in The State That Never Ends (PA) for a nice lunch. We have vowed to not stress about keeping a schedule on this trip, except for the schedules having to do with public transportation.

Almost ready to fly!

6 thoughts on “Penultimate

  1. RD

    Here’s wishing you and Thriller a wonderful and safe trip. Just driving across PA is an odyssey! I’ll enjoy your road trip vicariously through your blogs and FB posts. Thanks for sharing. Bon voyage.

  2. David

    Hurray for you and Thriller…The Odyssey is here!
    Like RD, I will vicariously enjoy every shared detail of your trip and wish you nothing but “fair winds and following seas.”
    If I stress over anything in preparation for a trip it is over space. As a card carrying Gold card member of my gender, I am blessed with the usual spatial genius gene but can sometimes stress over how to get the seventeen suitcases in the SUV. Other than that I am cool. Liz closes her last suitcase always with 20 minutes to spare…easy peasy.
    As for the lovely State of PA “I have one word for you Benjamin…” FIGS. As in have lunch in Philly at this incredible Mediterranean restaurant FIGS ( It will be an eating event you will not soon forget. Admittedly, it is not right off the Interstate…but boy howdy is the food incredible.

    Sean benditos en su viaje y la velocidad Dios.

  3. Suzanne

    Oh boy! A trip! To NYC no less! I hope you two have a blast, I know you will. Safe travels and be sure to stop and see the sights along the way.


  4. Rat Fink Post author

    Hey, thanks everyone! We’re ready to blast off any minute now. I will keep you posted with lovely photos of our lovely mugs.

    David — thanks for the recommendation! However, we are definitely not the Mediterranean food types. Waaaay too picky, unfortunately. Sorry! Let me show you where we’re eating dinner tonight, though — woweee!! :-D

  5. Will A.

    Woo! Road Trip! Looking forward, as always, to spending the next while envying you for wherever you are going. I will argue that Georgia tops Pennsylvania for the status as the state that does not end but then, the Dakotas/Wyoming probably have us both beat.

  6. David

    I agree on Georgia, I drove the length once…felt like a week.

    I would submit however the 6 hours it takes from Santa Rosa, NM to Oklahoma City, OK on I-40 may possibly be the longest stretch. The only thing to limit your view is the curvature of the Earth…nothing taller than a farm silo and not a single tree for much of the time. During a Winter drive through there, the barbed wire fences help slow down the Arctic blast.


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