
Mama Bear's cub, swingin'

It’s been a great week for mia famiglia. :-)

Last night, I enjoyed hearing #1 Son play some mean drums in a jazz concert at the park. Boy was kicking that band.

It got me to thinking — and I struggle with how to say this without it sounding tired and cliché — how much music has meant to me and mine over the years. I’ve been performing since shortly after a man named Mr. Roberts came to my classroom in 1967 and demonstrated the violin. It’s pretty much been nonstop; I can’t think of a single time when I wasn’t knee-deep in some music thing. My boys were immersed in it growing up, and it’s gratifying to see them both become fine musicians.

On my bucket list is to play with them in a band again. I will do this before I croak.

All right, time to git bizzy. So much time, so little to do…

6 thoughts on “Proud

  1. Mavis

    I can SO remember your Middle School/High School years. You were never around! You always had some musical thing going on. You didn’t know it back then, but I was so proud of you. All five of our sons have such great musical ability. I’m sure you got yours from Daddy, and passed it on to your kids. I have to say that we definitely have a very talented family. How blessed are we, eh?!! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We are very blessed! And don’t forget your musical ability from Daddy too, ya know. :-) Just because you don’t drag it out and use it every day doesn’t mean you don’t have it! I remember lots of singing going on in our growing-up years.

      Cool that our sons all have it, too! (See you at 1)


  2. Will

    Wait for the Grandbabies to learn how to play instruments, then you all start playing together. Soon enough, someone enjoys the thought of it all and you’re the new age Partridge Family only, you know, without the jump suits or Donny Bonaduce.

  3. RD

    I have really enjoyed the music of your talented sons and their talented mother many, many times. All of you are truly gifted musically, and you have filled my life with much joy. I hope your bucket list of a time to play in a band with them becomes reality.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Me too, fiend! And thanks for the kind words. You’ve definitely been with us for the long haul!


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