
I like plays on words. And I like contests. So let’s have a little play on words contest, ja?

OK. Your job is to look at the pictures (if you know the site where I got these, please don’t reveal it — I’ll tell everyone tomorrow) and come up with the pithy/punny/silly slogan that goes with it. Here’s a couple of for-instances:


Git it? OK, your turn.

One regular-sized, delicious Hershey bar for each correct answer given first. If you’re not in Finkville, I will send it to you. (Ask Suzanne — have I sent chocolate to the Netherlands? The Fink makes good on the candy.)

A couple of my favorites:

Go ahead and give it a shot. Have some pun with it.

Happy Tunesday!

12 thoughts on “Punny

        1. Rat Fink Post author

          Hahaha — well of COURSE you get 4 candy bars! Mamafink is delighted to drop off the Lars bars right down the street tonight. :-)

          Well done!

  1. #1Son

    T-Mobile!!!…..I have been laughing out loud for 10 minutes now!! Glad I am in an 8ft box where no one can hear me!


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