Quarantine, Day 15



<–  Me, Day 1 of quarantine.

I bought a new vacuum cleaner, and went zizzing all over my house. Ta-daaa! Over the next several days, I turbo-cleaned my kitchen, sorted the recycling, fixed my bike,  and spent countless hours preparing lessons. I even made time to read for pleasure while keeping up to date on every development with regard to COVID-19.

Remy and I took walks whenever weather allowed. <SIDEBAR> We’ve taken three walks through the park, and he’s had not a single meltdown. I’ve been able to talk him down from flipping out each and every time we’ve encountered another human. And we’ve seen the lot, trust me: bikers, walkers, runners, people mowing their lawns, getting in and out of their cars, walking their own dogs, talking on their front porches, playing at the tennis courts…humans in every stage of moving about. How about that!?

There was one time when he tried to reverse course and run the other way, but I talked him out of it while continuing to walk. But no barking, no running around me in circles, no freakouts. That particular behavior was definitely a worry for me. At 65 lbs., boxy and built low to the ground, if he wants to reverse direction and run away, he’s dragging me with him — likely headlong into a swan dive. (Ask me how I know this. :mrgreen: ) This dog is seven years old, and completely hard-wired to act like he’s acted since puppyhood, when he was obviously unsocialized at the very least. </SIDEBAR>

So, I ordered my groceries online for the first time. I’m picking them up tonight at Buehler’s, here in Ashland, after placing the order two days ago. Since then, of course, I’ve thought of eight more things I forgot to add, but adding them now would mean another wait…maybe I’ll try another place. I’m not accustomed to thinking ahead like this. *bonking self repeatedly on forehead* Gotta plan better.


Fast-forward to Day 15. I look like this. –>

What the world? You’d think that since I’m home nearly 24/7, the place would be gleaming and I’d have arranged all that great multi-window “virtual choir” music to put online with my singers looking super-stylish, doing a captivating, life-changing a cappella tune on their own…


I’m the rat on the right.

Totally cool event here, though: I actually saw my sons, in person, this week! Only for a moment, and from a safe social distance, but I clapped eyes on them. That brightened my little corner.

I hope your corner is bright today, fiends. Since it’s supposed to rain for the next 22 years, I will tackle the upstairs bathroom and bedrooms. With my new vacuum cleaner. :cool:

Much love.

4 thoughts on “Quarantine, Day 15

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I thought about it, but ended up with a Shark. I really like it — but I’m sure a cordless gets you around the house much faster!

  1. David

    Nice to hear a familiar voice in the midst of everything going on. Glad you are healthy and safe!
    I am super jelly that you got to see your sons, yet so thrilled for you Ms Fiend.
    My hopes of that happening soon were dashed when Yale cancelled my youngin’s graduation. Soon as I remain hopeful.
    You are thought of, prayed for and loved my Friend!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      So sorry your Yale grad didn’t get to walk. :-( Hopefully, they’re reschedule and flights will be taking off again.

      Good to hear from you! Hugs


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