Yes, Kim, I know. I’m fixing to jet to the school house for the students’ first day back. Definitely looking forward to seeing everyone and getting some initial sounds out of what I hope will be a few good ensembles this year.
Also on the schedule is my dual enrollment history class (Western “classical” music from circa 900 through 1940), which I enjoy very much.
I can’t remember a year when I didn’t look forward to hitting that first day — either as a teacher or a student. Subsequent days had varying levels of enthusiasm but I do love what I do, and can’t really imagine having chosen another career.
I don’t mind when people razz me good-naturedly about having “summers off” (a misnomer). I remind them that my low salary has the last laugh, so all jokes about my cushy life are taken with a smile when I get a notion to gripe about having to get up at 4:45 every morning after a summer of sleeping in until, oh, 5:45 every morning.
What was your favorite part about starting school? Seriously, a huge memory from my childhood was the fall weather. It smelled so good outside. Of course, we never started school in August back in the 60s. I’m not sure exactly when it was, but I’m certain it was well after Labor Day, because I remember going to and from school wearing a coat. Another lasting memory: I loved the way my 3rd grade classroom smelled when we were working with construction paper and glue. My teacher, Miss Rinehart, wore perfume I loved. I liked the (now-unpopular and disproved) round-robin reading time, and always volunteered to read first. (“Let’s give someone else a turn now, OK?”)
I didn’t enjoy recess, because I was afraid of some boys who always picked on me. They were not nice. They’re probably corporate presidents now.
I hope your week is going well, fiends. I’ll check in after the craziness!
I would love to take your Western Classical Music class, I bet it is a very cool and fun class!
I have lots of fond memories of school starts; as the eldest of seven, nearly all of my memories are of taking care of my siblings. We all walked to school everyday which was one mile in each direction. I was a product of Catholic education through Elementary School and High School during the days where corporal punishment was a normal daily occurrence. Most of my teachers are a blur of Black & White with ropes tied around their waists so I do not have many “favorite teacher” memories. The other side of that is that I have multiple friendships that were born in the 50’s and 60’s that have survived to this day from my school days. My crew from High School are friends that I communicate with almost weekly even though the five of us live all over the Country and Europe.
I wish you a great year Ms Finkster and I look forward to the many stories that will find their way onto this here blog of yours. I pray you great stamina and great peace and great students! This 2015 version of your kids will be another in the long line of those who will write of fond memories of Ms Fink decades from now.
Peace my Dear Friend!
The Black-and-Whites with the ropes — haaaaaaa
Sounds like a gang. lol But how cool that you still have those pals from elementary school! I have just a couple, and they are priceless relationships!
Thanks for the prayers and good juju, my friend. I hope the kids make some good music and bless some people this year. Hugs to you!
I didn’t look forward to Labor Day–even though it was a “holiday,” we had to go to bed early as school began the following day. I loved rainy Fridays in autumn–the yellow rain slickers that could withstand a typhoon and keep the wearer completely dry inside were common for boys. The matching yellow helmet-like hats were great. The smell of wet leaves on the ground even today take me back to elementary school days!
I do remember those rain coats and hats! I never had one, though. Labor Day is definitely a double-edged sword, hahaha — I know what’s on the other side!
I think my First Days were pretty much the same–new shoes, new dress, new crayons, new teacher. Hoping that your friends had the same teacher.
The night before the first day of High School I remember the most. Man I was nervous!! Scared that I wouldn’t find my classroom and be late. Which was ridiculous since Dad was a HS band director
and I already knew the school, but still……….. Scared of the classes themselves. If I got a pimple or my hair was too curly/not curly enough. Yuck. I am glad those days are over.
First Days as a teacher were filled with some excitement of having a new bunch of little darlings for the year and seeing colleagues that had been gone all summer. Sadness that the summer was gone.
I have always felt the the Fall was the real New Year.
I hope that your First Day and First Week went well and you are on a roll!!
Hey doll! Yep, I think I’m off to a good start. I hear you about the sadness of summer’s end; I felt that way in a big way this year, simply because I felt I hadn’t gotten to get everything done and experienced over the summer that I wanted to. OH well — next summer, right? And we have to talk about another meet-up next time you’re stateside, btw!