Why do people live in this area December through February? YEOW I can’t feel my hands. Just went out to start the Finkmobile. Iss cold.
And there’s another winter storm on the way. Delightful.
Why do people live in this area December through February? YEOW I can’t feel my hands. Just went out to start the Finkmobile. Iss cold.
And there’s another winter storm on the way. Delightful.
Yikes got yer snowshoes ready? Snow day maybe? Does De Triller get snow days too?? I bet De Hond loves it!
He does get snow days, but not neeeearly as often as I do, with me teaching out in da boons. De Hond loves the snow — he stretches out in it!
I might need to find some tennis rackets and put ’em on my little tiny feet…
I’ll take the bits of winter weather we get here in Ohio over any other kind of climate conditions in the rest of the nation. We don’t deal a whole lot with flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornado alley, or the extreme hots and colds that other areas might. I don’t know why anybody in their right mind would live in the southeast, personally. It’s way too hot and humid to move, let alone do anything outside. Top that off with hurricanes from the gulf. YIKES!
You just don’t like to live dangerously, do ya Stein.
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, and enjoy all the great times we had, before I die coming home from work Wednesday.
No joke, Kody. I’m worried about getting the Finkmobile home tomorrow without killing myself. Blah…
I won’t say a word from Florida, but I’m thinking it
I’ve been in Florida long enough that 50 and wind is the new cold. It was cold here this a.m. to — 39 degrees. O no, I promised not to say a word. We’ll I sure broke that promise. How are you doing on snow days? Used most of them? Take care, and hope you’re feeling better.
You said it anyway, ya knucklehead!
Although 39 *is* cold for Florida…
We’ve only had one snow day, believe it or not. Several delays, but only one cancellation. So we’re good so far, but the super told us last month that we only have three this year. Or is that three next year?? Anyway, at some point, they’re only allowing three. I’d be willing to have school instead of inservice days to make them up!
I was feeling better this morning, but as the day wore on, I’m having a bit of a relapse. Makes me mad, I tell ya. Gotta git tuff…
You hang in there, kiddo! I’ll be thinking of you while I’m steaming my way to Aruba!!

ARRRG! Aruba! Why, I oughta….
Actually I am THRILLED for you and BV! Take lots and lots of pictures to share! I LOVE YOU