8 thoughts on “RNF XLIV

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      HA — that’s my new mantra! Describes my state of mind perfectly lately. ARRRG! We are staying warm — or at least I am! I’m in the kitchen baking cupcakes and the Thriller is outside chopping the ice off the sidewalks.

      He drove to Hawkins, the bank and the post office this morning. He said roads were icy, but you just had to slow down and stay on the main streets and you were fine. Hope the ice is melting out your way; my cousin who lives in Keller said his car was frozen shut this morning!

      1. BoomR

        Your cuz in Keller was not alone. This whole things started with some freezing rain & then switched over to snow. So the streets have like an inch of ice on them below the snow. BluVox got a snow day because B of A closed the office.

        I had a dentist appointment at 9:30 – it was quite the adventure getting there. Only to learn that their answering service called me (while I was on the phone with my dad) to tell me that it was canceled! ARGH The wind is so bad with all the snow that it very much reminded me of Ohio & Iowa :-)


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Go for it! It’s my design, but I stole the words from some site or another. I freely donate it to our combined causes. :P

  1. RD

    Is your scream what I heard all the way down here? :-) O, the “joys” of Ohio. Out of deep consideration for you, I won’t give you a report on our weather. Hang in there. Spring is on the way–eventually.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Oh, you mean THIS weather?


      I’ll stop screaming, now that I know spring is on the way. HA!


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