…so little time.
I hate:
- oversleeping — like this morning, especially when I had a late rehearsal last night
- the groggy, sick feeling from oversleeping
- not being able to enjoy my quiet time in the morning — blast it all
- trolls
- having poor eyesight, but lacking the guts to have the surgery that would fix it
- getting ready in the mornings
- feeling behind the 8-ball
- it’s almost Finkday
- the Thriller and I are going to Jakey’s birthday party on Saturday (can’t wait to give him this and the baseball and bat), then to the movies to see The Informant
- I have all day Sunday to finish a paper
- my choir tour itinerary is in place and looks great, and everyone has paid his/her deposit
- the numbers we rehearsed last night are looking good
- I think I’ve decided on next year’s musical, but I’m not telling anyone
I always like the “however” parts after a particularly negative post. Indeed, I think it’s the howevers of life that get you through it, you know?
I really gotta git. Almost to the weekend…
“the groggy, sick feeling from oversleeping”… I had no idea this even existed.
Of course you wouldn’t…you’re TWENTY-FIVE.

OMG – you have a child that’s 25 years old??!! Man, I’m glad I’m not as old as you!
Why, I oughta….

Pep rallies…
Occupational hazard. Kinda like graduation.
I can’t blame you for fearing eye surgery. I fear losing my eyesight and having to have eye surgery and then losing it again because of the eye surgery.
Let me know how the Informant is. I really want to see that.
I will file a report on Sunday morning — that is, after yo daddy and I have some java over here in Ashburg.
My older brother had eye surgery a few months ago. His vision is now better than 20/20. I am going to get it done as soon as I can.
Hey! Keep ME posted on what you’re thinking about for next year’s musical!! Not too early to plan in advance, y’know!! Unit set, maybe???? Hint, hint!!!
OK Greggly, but ya hafta keep a secret…
I never say a word to anyone if bound to secrecy!