So shines a good deed…

…in a weary world.

No, I’m not quoting Willy Wonka quoting Shakespeare. Rather, I’m salaaming to the Thriller for his brainy gift idea for after I’m done with exams this afternoon.


He can steal Fizzy Lifting Drinks anytime he wants to. Just remind him for me, if you would, that 25 August is my birthday and I really really really want THIS. (No, PK, it’s not what you think — although I’ll never get that, either, unless I buy it myself, which takes all the fun out of it. Nuts. Just call me Ralphie.)

So yesterday was pretty much hideous. I wrote for four hours…I hope I gave them some of what they wanted. I’m off to do it again; if I get the African Ngoma drumming musicology question, I am…well…rotated on a threaded axis.

Happy Wednesday – and to all my students and colleagues who are so kind as to read RtB, have a relaxing (albeit too short) holiday weekend. Schoooooooool’s out. For. Easta. Yay!

Fink out (to Akron one final time, at least until August)

PS – Lars called me last night, and #1 Son messaged me on BlackBerry IM to ask how my exams went. They are good sons. I am lucky.

7 thoughts on “So shines a good deed…

  1. Stein

    Be careful what you wish for…. Mallow blasters are fun!! (And, according to Mum, quite easy to build on your own.)

    1. Skylar

      Ha, yeah… my church has two of them they made out of what I think are small PVC pipes. It requires wind-power from whoever’s doing the shooting, though, so it’s not really as great as what Fink’s been wanting. O.o

  2. BoomR

    Detroit has casinos??? I’m SOOO there! Give me a supply of rum & diet cokes & park me in front of any of the following:

    –Jackpot Party!
    –Wheel of Fortune
    –Video Poker

    …and I’m happy for at least a couple hours!

    Good luck on day #2 – break a leg or some pencil lead or something!!

  3. kodye

    Imagine shooting Peeps out of the Marshmallow gun. It’d be festive. And delicious. Mmmm… Peeeeeeeps.

  4. Fink on the road

    Hey there! Thanks for the well-wishes, fiends. Thriller and
    I are en route to the *other* big D. And Boom
    Boom, we MUST take a Greektown trip next time
    You visit. VP is the flippin you-know-what!


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