T minus 48 hours

Yesterday, the Thriller said, “You are going to enjoy this.” He was right. I am looking forward to it. Twelve hours in the car alone, tunes blasting, singing at the top of my little lungs…it will be therapy for me, and the solitude always does a body good.

In case you weren’t aware, I’m speaking at a convention at a university outside Lincoln. And of course, I am driving. Because, well, you know.

I’ll also be passing right through your old stomping grounds, BoomR! I think I-80 goes through Des Moines, yes?

My grandfather was born and raised in North Platte. I’ve been through Nebraska once in my life, but don’t really remember anything about it. Anyone care to comment on it? I know it’s a lot of flat land; having spent some years in northern Illinois, I’m OK with that. In fact, I’d prefer to drive flat than mountainous any day anyhow.

Regardless, it will be fun. And the room they provided me is air conditioned. How about that. (That is not the norm, from what I’ve seen of many midwestern college dorms.)

Much to do in the meantime, though. Jakey today, dinner & movie with the Thriller tonight, breakfast with my good fiend Bando tomorrow, dinner & movie with Kay tomorrow night, then road trip on Saturday morning. Somewhere in there, I have to actually pack a suitcase or two.

Yesterday, I went to PayLess with Mavis and bought 5 pairs of shoes for $45. OK, so two pairs were from the little girls’ aisle, but still…

Have a snappy day there, luvs.

Fink out.

13 thoughts on “T minus 48 hours

  1. RD

    I pray a safe trip for you – blessings on your comings and goings, and your time there. I hope this is a tremendous all around experience for you.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, RD – you are a great fiend. Thank you for being there for me *always*. You’re the best!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Why, I oughta….

      Thanks, Greggles. When I get back, it’s all about Birdie. (Yippy!)

  2. Stoney

    Enjoy the road trip and the conference! On a more “somber” note, may I say three words? Bye, Bye Birdie. We will have to schedule the “cutting” meeting soon!

    Have fun.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey mama (or should I say GRANDmama!!?) — when I get back from the prairie, I will be in touch!

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        Of course, doll! Turgid, 3-day-long dancing sequences, doggy tunes, ridiculous reprises…they all end up on the cutting-room floor.


  3. BoomR

    Good for you!! You drive safe, ya hear? And speaking of the old homestead, an hour or so after you cross into Iowa, you’ll pass the exit for I-380 to Cedar Rapids & Waterloo. If you take a screeching right turn North onto 380, you’ll be in Agua-loo in about an hour. I can meet you there on Friday July 24th because we’ll be there for a little golf outing, BBQ, and group 50th b’day party for a bunch of high school classmates :-)


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