So I’m on my sixth trumpet player already. No, no, sorry no, and no, sorry. That’s all I’ve heard since my guy bailed (via a message through someone else) yesterday. It’s amazing how one domino in the line — one stone thrown in the pond — can affect everything else. I could just scream. I mean, really. So I call the guy, and he says, “I can play the show; I just can’t play on Saturday.”
*cricket* *cricket*
So if any of you could fly out to Finkville on Saturday, 7 November, to play our 2:00 show, that would be outstanding. I have the other 3 shows covered by someone else (thank the Lord for him), but he cannot make the matinee. Come on, Suzanne. You’re a trumpet player. What’s the airfare from Amsterdam to Cleveland? Couldn’t be more’n a couple-a grand. Help a sister out here.
I’m just a bit tetchy today. Up since 4, battling that which I cannot control. I hate not having control of my stuff, you know? Ah well, no matter. I will see some good fiends today. I’ll also see baby boy Lars when he comes to pick me up to go to rehearsal. Haven’t seen him in a couple of weeks, and we live on the same flippin’ street. Life is crazy, I tell ya.
I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on my erstwhile 2nd trumpet player. He’s a really nice young man; a stand-up guy who didn’t see a conflict coming. I suppose if I simply went without a 2nd player in the matinee, the world would still spin and we’d make it to the end of the afternoon alive. It’s just that I really hate that idea.
Tetchy. It’s the word o’ the week. Good mouth feel. Sounds like a swear word, but isn’t, so it’s a good value for your anger buck. Thumbs up.
So sorry to hear this, sweet! Remember – it’s something you have no control over, but it will work out some way. I do love your word for the week. I thought skeevy was good, but “tetchy” is even better! I had to look it up, of course, but I got a kick out of some of the synonyms – crabbed, choleric, peckish, peppery. Mix them all together and you have a flavorful, tetchy salad.
Forget your troubles, come on get happy! We’re having a party tonight! :0)
And what a party it was, THANKS TO YOU! Love you!
Dangit — I’ve always wished that I could play trumpet. But, alas, I can’t help you out. I’ve never completely forgiven my parents for forcing another instrument on me. I won’t say which one, cause I don’t want to disparage any other instruments. It’s just that I’ve always enjoyed trumpet.
I know what instrument it was, I know what instrument it was.

Sorry, doll. Best I can do is alto recorder. My French Horn chops have been gone since 1974. But since it *is* the second chair, you’ll probably be okay without it, especially if that part is doubled anywhere else. I know you know how to ‘tap dance’ as well as the rest of us who have been in that position.
Indeed, PK. In fact, rehearsal went fine yesterday without the 2nd part. Not too many holes, and my fantastic guy who plays first for me filled in on a couple of cues. Hopefully a new situation is going to work out over the next couple of days…we’ll see!
Awww I’d love to fly to Ohi-er and help you out!!! You’ll figure it out or just go without.
I am not sure my chops work anymore anyway. I took a bad spill from my bike a few years back, landed right on the old mouth and my teeth jabbed my lips and I now have scar tissue in there. I looked like a horrible after picture for Botox injection for days. Honestly boss, not making it up.
Still gives me the heebie jeebies when I think about it.
Yikes! I’ll bet that can ruin the ol embouchure right quick. OUCH. I think I’m covered now, fortunately. You do what ya gotta do, right?
OMG my fault…
It will cheer you up if you check out this link of this guy debunking modern pop artists.
I haven’t heard the originals of those tunes, so I think I’m missing something. Obviously, the Autotune is keeping him in tune, but is it that he sounds just like the other guys? (I hate Autotune…it’s become a wet blanket on everything.)
Why don’t you ask Brittany Pennell if the part isn’t too complicated? She learns really fast and could probably help you out.
Thanks, Krissy — fortunately, I think I’m covered now. But didn’t Brittany play flute? Maybe I’m mental..
She played flute during concert band and trumpet during marching band. She wanted to learn as many instruments as possible. I think she can play saxophone too but I’m not positive.