That time again

It’s Sunday, fiends, and that means much more than watching the Browns lose. It’s Chef Fink and the Thriller, in the kitchen day.

The three salmon meals are already cooked, and the house smells terrific. Now on to the chicken and beef, and to prep salads and sides for the week. We eat really well when we’re prepared (I’ve found this out the hard way).

Man, I thought yesterday was Sunday. Seriously. I was all depressed on the way home from Jake’s birthday party, thinking that I had virtually no time for everything I had yet to do before Monday got here again. It wasn’t until I got up to the door that I said, “Hey, wait. It’s Saturday…”

Have you ever done that? Probably not. Anyhow, I got lots done yesterday, so today doesn’t seem like such a huge pressure cooker. Speaking of cooking…I need to go get breakfast. I think I’ll have salmon. :-D


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