The most wonderful time

Yeah, yeah, I know I complain about it a lot (goes with the job), but Christmastime is actually pretty cool, even though December contains twice the insanity for a choral director as it does for most other folks. S’ok though. I asked for it. No regrets.

It all begins in earnest today, with my select ensemble doing their first gig of the holiday season. Only four performances this time, not counting the concert on the 17th. Today, we sing for senior citizens who gather for a monthly luncheon. Nice people, all.

We’re thinking of flash-mobbing “Carol of the Bells” at a busy, upscale grocery store here in town, just before Christmas. How fun is that? My fiends have good ideas. I never would have thought of it.

Hey, you’ll have to come meet us there for it. You know, be part of the charade. That, and we’ll need someone to clap when it’s over. Haha

At least it’s not Monday today. That was rough. I sometimes have trouble getting psyched for work. But only on days that end in “y.”

Happy Tuesdag.


4 thoughts on “The most wonderful time

  1. David

    Ralph Waldo Emerson told us to “Scatter Joy” … what better venue than to flash mob “Carol of the Bells.” Take lots of pics!!!!

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    Yes, the flash mob idea is a good one! The kids are excited. We might even hit another joint before going out for dinner. QUIEN SABE??? We are a mysterious lot.

    We will take pictures and video, for sure! Someone will likely upload it to Facebook.

    And Suz — I’ll politely decline your most generous offer, but I had to think about it for a minute! :P


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