After the endless meetings and orientations over the past two months, his actual classes start today at seminary. He has five today, with the first one (Developmental Psych) starting at 8 a.m. He goes until 4:30, then goes back from 6-9. I do indeed feel his pain. He’s excited as well as just a little apprehensive (the old-dog-doing-new-tricks thing). Gofrit, Thriller. You can do it — you’re never too old.
Weirdest thing: seeing him come down the stairs at 5:30 a.m. Good thing he’s quiet as a church mouse…otherwise I’d hafta get violent.
Fink to the showers
You’re an inspiration, Thriller!! When do you start taking appointments? Is there a sign-up sheet?
Good luck Thriller! You will do great!
Congrats, Thriller, and best of luck to you. You’re bringing something into class that those younger students don’t have and can’t buy ANYwhere: maturity and experience. Keep us posted on your progress.
I’m thrilled for the Thriller! The old adage is a generalization and isn’t true in all instances. An old dog can learn new tricks. You’re an exception (and so am I — still learning at age ____) Blessings as you enter into this new, exciting, challenging and fulfilling experience.
Good luck, Thriller! That sounds like a brutal day, but you’ll get out of it what you put into it.
I believe in the thriller!
Da Thrillah is Killah–do it!![:)](
Good Luck Thriller! The work may seem impossible sometimes but it is worth it!
Many thanks to all of you. Your words of encouragement have made my day! Speaking of which … the first day of classes is history. Starting tomorrow, I’ll hit the books and begin all the homework assignments that were given out today. But, it’s 9:15 pm right now, and I’m just going to relax a bit and reflect on the day’s events. Oh yeah. And I’ll probably eat something…. gotta remember to eat… lol Take care, friends!