A big “dobrodošli doma!” to BFF Kay and Bob, who return from Slovenia today after spending three weeks reconnecting with family and friends in Bob’s ancestral homeland. We are looking forward to getting together with them when the dust settles to hear some great stories and see pictures. And Drago misses his parents, so it’ll be fun to see his reaction when Bob walks into the house. (Picture a white fluff ball, bouncing on a trampoline.)
Another shout goes to my partners in crime and fellow Finkites Stoney (stage director) and Greg (tech director), who have managed once again to both put up with my insanity and still do their jobs, without murderizing (or muzzling) me. Props! One more rehearsal tonight, then it’s on.
I wonder sometimes if my RtB fiends say to themselves, “ENOUGH already with the musical theater stuff.” I wouldn’t blame them. Still, it’s good for me to get it off my brain, and I thank you for your patience while it all clears out to make room for future nonsense.
OK, enough aimless rambling for one morning. There are notes and rhythms to kill.
Fink, doin’ work