Top of the Top

During coffee this morning, I checked out some top ten lists at Listverse. If their research is to be believed, some of the #1 choices were surprising. Did you know…

It’s true. I’m a longtime fan of Cecil Adams, the world’s smartest human, and he quotes some pretty impressive facts about hippos over at The Straight Dope.

The #1 Most Fascinating “Only Existing Photograph” award goes to Frederic Chopin. Cool. He was so afeared of being buried alive, he decreed that his heart be cut out after his death. His hands were also cast. Look how long his fingers were. YIKES


#1 on the list of “Fascinating Facts that are Wrong”:  You can see the Great Wall of China from space. Funny how you just assume that such impressive-sounding declarations are true. I never disbelieved it. There seems to be a microscopic grain of truth to it, but as far as seeing the wall from space with the naked eye…nuh-uh.


I’ve saved the most amazing for last. Have you ever heard of the Superb Lyrebird? I hadn’t. It can mimic everything it hears. Check out this vid. You’ll hear an incredibly convincing camera shutter, car alarm, and chain saw. Unbelievable.


Welp…out of time. It’s Jon’s birthday feast tonight, and Mavis and I have some shopping/cooking to do. Requested menu: burgers on the grill, homemade mac and cheese, salad, and strawberry cake. Wahoo — get yer grub on, pard.


5 thoughts on “Top of the Top

  1. Suzanne

    Wow that bird video is awesome!!!! I just love birds. I think I used to be a cat in a previous life I love them so much. If I believed in that kind of stuff don’tchaknow.

    We have birds here called “merels” that are affectionately called R2D2 birds–in the mornings they just sing away and one might think R2D2 was outside the window.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      How cute! And you being from Michigan, you might remember the “Bob White” bird. That’s what its song sounded like. “Bob White! Bob White!”

  2. Kodye

    I’m terrified of birds. So that last clip better be fake, or I swear I’m never coming out of my house again. That was the absolute scariest video I’ve ever seen in my life. Now all I can think about is that one of those is hiding in my house. I think I hear the fridge open, or the dog bark, but really is this terrifying looking bird who can MAKE WHATEVER NOISE IT WANTS… next thing I know I wake up with with my eyes pecked out and doody in my pants. I honestly will never ever be the same again after watching that. This is the reason I quit watching animal planet. Because some animals are absolutely terrifying.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hahaha. Sorry, Kody! It’s for real, son. So the next time you hear, “Kody, come here, I need you….”

      Ya just never know.


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