Très intéressant

An interesting 24 hours into the 24th…

My sister had an unpleasant visit from an old ailment, and ended up in the ER last night. By the time I left her side and the Thriller took over MavisWatch so I could get up for work today, she was resting a bit more comfortably. Nothing like last year at this time, thank goodness, but a close enough call. I should have more information as the day goes on. I fully intended to be awake when the Thriller got home from the hospital, but either I was extra tired or he was extra quiet, because I didn’t hear a thing. Rats! Now I wait for both of them to wake up and let me know what went on. Thanks to all the cool RtB fiends who posted encouragement and wishes on Facebook. You are all the beast.

Well let’s see here…24 August. That’s a pretty important day. On this date:

  • In the year 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted in southern Italy, destroying the city of Pompeii and all its inhabitants. It’s world famous because of the discovery in the late 1600s of thousands of human remains, frozen in suspended, ash-covered animation, and surprisingly intact.
  • Terrorism: British troops burned down the White House and most of Washington DC in 1812
  • 1989: Pete Rose was banned from baseball for betting on games.
  • Pluto was demoted in 2006 from a planet to “dwarf planet” status, because according to astronomers, it no longer dominated its neighborhood.

Well I want to dominate my neighborhood, but it won’t get done sitting here. Have a great Finkday! Off to the races with your bad self.

Update: Just spoke with the Thriller, and he said that as of 1 a.m. when he took her home, she was doing much better after the second round of intravenous diuretics. Good news for the weekend!

5 thoughts on “Très intéressant

  1. Mavis

    Yes, definitely an interesting last 24 hours. I wanted to thank you and the Thriller for helping me out! Even though you were dead on your feet, you stayed. Fellow Fiends: she’s a good Rat!

    Thank you for the interesting facts for this day! I have one for you – tomorrow, you’re going to be 39!!!! Now isn’t THAT interesting?? Big Hugs! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You’re welcome, Mavis! Not exactly what we had in mind for quality time visiting, now was it?? I’m just glad you’ll be good to go for my 39th, you know…



  2. Greg

    Hope Mavis is feeling better now that she’s home. Always nicer to recuperate in the comfort of one’s own space!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks Greg, and you are right. Hospitals are great places to get care, but horrible places to rest!


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