Ugh. 3 Replies This is me: This *should* be me: Ever have one of those days? Fink, hittin’ the ground runnin’…
Will 6 February, 2012 at 6:52 am I was up late doing homework because of a football game and friends that refused to get the hint that I wanted them to leave. Completely understand. Reply ↓
Mavis 6 February, 2012 at 7:23 am Hope your DayQuil works for you today, sweetie. I’ll be praying that you start feeling better! Reply ↓
Rat Fink Post author7 February, 2012 at 5:18 am Thanks, luvs. Will, I hope you got the homework done in spite of the not-so-perceptive friends. Mave — the DayQuil definitely woiked. Pretty miserable morning so far, but I’m not drugged up yet. Should be good to go in about 15 minutes!! XO Reply ↓
I was up late doing homework because of a football game and friends that refused to get the hint that I wanted them to leave. Completely understand.
Hope your DayQuil works for you today, sweetie.
I’ll be praying that you start feeling better!
Thanks, luvs. Will, I hope you got the homework done in spite of the not-so-perceptive friends. Mave — the DayQuil definitely woiked. Pretty miserable morning so far, but I’m not drugged up yet. Should be good to go in about 15 minutes!! XO