
I think this is my life telling me to knock it off. Please put everything on hold today, whilst I croak.

Seriously — if you need me, I’ll be on the couch with a pillow, blanket, hot tea and Netflix. Also, the pile of work will be on my desk in the parlor if you’d like to come over and tackle it, there’s a good fiend.

Last night sure was nice — dinner with Stoney and a fine show by Bando’s students. And I’ve got to get through this nastiness so I can hit the cinema with Hanksy tomorrow afternoon.

But for now, I must repair to the davenport and suffer with what surely must be consumption. *cough hack sniffle wheeze choke die*


Fink (down &) out.

5 thoughts on “Uh-oh…

  1. PKPudlin

    :( Poor baby. Be good to yourself.

    Hope one of your movies is Casablanca – 70th anniversary and all you know. My favorite movie of all time.

    Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.


  2. Tom Hanks

    I hope you feel better finktron! Don’t feel bad if you aren’t up to any movie going tomorrow…I wouldn’t want you to have to suffer through it.

  3. Rat Fink Post author

    Thanks, everybuddy…it ain’t lookin’ too good for the home team this morning. I’ll let you know, TH!


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