Une belle journée

The view from my front door on a cloudless, 49-degree fall morning. It smells fabulous outside.

And what could be better on this beautiful day than 1) the fact that it’s Friday, and 2) the imminent blast-off for my overnighter with most awesome fiend Suzanne.

Don’t you love autumn in the Midwest? Such a gorgeous day today. I’m almost packed and ready to go on my micro-mini solo Odyssey to spend some long overdue time with my favorite Dutch girl, who’s stateside only for a short while. I will enjoy the 4.5-hour drive north. Thanks to my fantastic and thoughtful children, I have a fully-loaded Starbucks gift card, so there’ll be no shortage of wakey-wakey en route (and as my family can tell you, I have been known to be unable to sleep in a moving car unless I’m driving). No worries, though. If I stay away from processed sugar and flour, I won’t get groggy from the post-garbage-in glucose crash.

I don’t often take a personal day from school. Most years, I don’t use them all, and there have been many years when I didn’t use a single one. Truth be told, I’m just not a great planner, and one has to plan ahead for personal days. Anyway, I’m glad to have this day off to get ready at my leisure, then make the run for the border around noon.

The Thriller and I laughed this morning about my not having to 1) bring my electric blanket for the hotel stay tonight, and 2) channel Nanook of the North in the car.

So have a great Friday, fiends — I’ll check in later.


7 thoughts on “Une belle journée

  1. Mavis

    I bet you girls had a blast! It’s so great that you and Suz can see each other now and then. It was also great that you could get away for a little respite! It’s another beautiful day for traveling, so enjoy sweetness!

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    It was a fantastic time for sure, thanks everyone! Great weather for driving, both up there and back. Relaxing…but now it’s Monday and back to reality. BLAH

    1. David

      So glad that you had a great time reminiscing with your pal from Norway! Always such a cool thing to reconnect so very happy for you Ms Fink!


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