Unexpected gift

Yeah, that was yesterday.

When my phone rang at 5:30 a.m., I knew it was a school delay. Apparently, there was ice all over the roads in the little village where I teach, and they decided to err on the side of caution and wait it out. Well…turns out, the wait was longer than expected.

I had just started to dry my hair after showering and getting dressed for school, when the phone rang again, with the automated message that school was closed for the day. Well, whaddya know about that? All dressed up and nowhere to go.

So, I got back into some jammies and snuggled up in front of the space heater, and had a latte while reading the news, posting to Facebook, and generally being lazy.

That lasted all of about one hour; then I was rarin’ to get stuff done.

I cleaned the parlor, wrote a rhythm section chart, and finished the sound plot and program for Wednesday night’s concert. All set to copy, fold, and distribute. It’s nice to get a day once in awhile to take care of minutiae like that. It’s stuff that would otherwise have me staying late after school, and frankly, with this miserable cough, I’d like to leave work at work as much as possible.

So today, we continue the Christmas Countdown. Not the Countdown to Christmas, mind; rather, the Countdown to No More Christmas Gigs. Number 2 of 5 happens tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to it, actually. Should be fun. Should be. Hmmm.

Right now, I’m just looking forward to coming back home tonight and getting all snuggly-rat on the couch, ate up with the NyQuil.

Fink*cough* out.

2 thoughts on “Unexpected gift

  1. David

    Glad you got the extra day yesterday, especially nice when one is not 100%.

    Praying for you to shake the cold and be re-energized for the up coming gigs.

    My Great Grandmother’s cold remedy: warm lemonade with honey and a shot of brandy…Nyquil before Nyquil. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, doll! And I *love* hot lemonade, even when I’m not sick! Fantastic stuff. The brandy…not sure what it would do to help a cough, but hey, you might not even notice. LOL

      Hope you’re having a good week! Snow in the forecast here…who knew…


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