What is this vacation of which you speak?
It’s full out insanity till Saturday around here. Daughter Johanna is visiting from Texas, and it’s been great chatting with her. Tonight is dinner-and-movie night with Bob and BFF Kay, then tomorrow after school, Mavis and I start the cooking and baking. Thursday evening: turkey! Friday, the Js for a sleepover. Somewhere in there, I need to squeeze in some time to write rhythm section parts and see the Harry Potter movie.
But I ain’t complainin’. What do I enjoy more than having family and friends close by for the holidays? I’ll get back to you when I think of something.
So, what are your plans, fiends? Are you leaving town? Flying anywhere for the sole purpose of getting a TSA beatdown? (I mean patdown.) Staying in? Cooking? I must say I do get excited about the cooking part. I’m even excited about using that dandy new warming tray Helen sent over last night. No last-second rush to get side dishes on the table so they can be marginally hot when everyone sits down. Nice.
Two more days. I can do this.
Fink, hangin’ in there
I am so excited! My mom arrives from AZ today at 4:45. Tomorrow my eldest arrives with her bf from Pittsburgh, and later on her sister arrives from Buffalo! This means 3 generations of crazy artist/musician-types in one tiny apartment for 3 whole days! Food? Who cares about the food!? I’m in it for the FUN and FAM-DAMILY!
PK- diggin’ out the jingle bells and doin’ the happy dance!
Awesome, g/f! How great that you get your babies for a few days. I’ll bet that doesn’t happen near often enough. Have a blast!
We’re going to my great-aunt’s house this year. It used to be a tradition to have my mother’s side of the family there, but we haven’t gone in a few years. I’m pretty excited.
I get to skip out on Black Friday shopping, too! XD I’m driving a couple of crazy classmates to spend about twelve hours at Kent (playing with the MGF and FlasherBrass). That will be a fun drive….
Yeah, I heard about that crazy drive you’re taking. But you guys will have a blast! Have a great Thanksgiving with the family.
Well, you know what I’m doing!
I’m so looking forward to our Thanksgiving with the whole family. I wish my other two sons could be here, though.
But hey, I’m thankful that they are happy, whole and healthy. I’ll just have to settle with a phone call! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all you Fink Fiends!
I wish J & J could be here too, Mave.
We will miss them!
we are going to New York to see my dad’s family, I heard the best time to go see a movie is Thanksgiving day, and the new Harry Potter Movie is amazing!
Have fun, Hannah — and actually, we are going to see the Potter movie on Thanksgiving! We’re going to the noon matinee. I hope it won’t be too crowded!
Though you’re really busy, I wish a happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours. We’ll spend a quiet day at home including an invitation to a 92 year old widow who is one of our neighbors. She has no children and no nieces or nephews in the area, so we’ll be her family for any portion of the day she wants. Then I’m officiating two basketball games on Friday and two more on Saturday in a holiday tournament in Port Charlotte. Have to run off the Thanksgiving dinner and its trimmings!
And a happy Thanksgiving to you too, RD. What a lovely gesture for you guys to have that lady over for some dinner and conversation — I know she will appreciate it! And maybe I should join you for the run-off…I’m probably going to need it. HA
I would be one of these so called “crazy classmates”. I’m am honestly really excited to play with Kent!